QUALIFICATION – As for the Bernabeu race, the best news of the evening comes from the confrontation between CSKA and Viktoria Plzen. Thanks to the defeat of the Russians, the Roma qualify mathematically for the second round of the Champions League, as the second of the group. He will then face one of the winners of the other groups (he will not be able to face any Italian) and will play the first match at Olimpico.
UNTIL GOL – There was a good team, capable of more than one opportunity to close Real Madrid on the ropes, to get closer to the goal, until the sensational opportunity of Ünder, who from inside the door, strikes in the south turn. The goal of Bale, sanctioned the end of the match of the team of Di Francesco. Once, that's not enough.
SIMPLE ERROR – The one quoted above by Ünder, added to that of Fazio who, at his head, serves as Modric never did, Bale for the benefit of merengues. A deadly combo, especially in a game where the episode would have affected a lot, considering the moment that went through the two teams.
"BUT FOLLOW VIRTUTE AND CANOSCENZA" – Are Italians coaches? We discovered no. Said by way of evacuation, ruthless by Kolarov at a pre-Real press conference, repeated by Di Francesco during the post-Real conference. Admittedly, the vast majority of fans or footballers will not have made the master of Coverciano, but the tactics aside, you do not need a scientist to judge or simply give his opinion on what the team done on the ground. From mental fragility to the problem of goals through too many injuries.
NOSTALGIA CANAGLIA – See the Hall of Fame with the different Counts, Pruzzo, Totti, Falcao, then many Schick, Ünder, Kluivert and Zaniolo. I hope the boys will do it, but that they will have a bitter taste in their mouths.
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