Samp, seizure of assets to President Ferrero


He would be accused of embezzlement, fraud, issuance and use of false invoices, self-laundering and the use of money, goods or benefits of illicit origin.

Samp, seizure of badets to President Ferrero

Mbadimo Ferrero in trouble. The Guardia di Finanza executes a decree of seizure against the president of the samp who, from what we have learned, would be involved in an investigation by the Special Police Unit of the alleged Offenses, for various reasons, would be: embezzlement, fraud, issuing and using false invoices, auto-laundering and use of funds, badets or benefits of illicit origin.

The preventive seizure, issued by the magistrate of the court of Rome at the request of the local prosecutor's office, amounts to more than 2.6 million euros and concerns the football club UC Sampdoria, President Mbadimo Ferrero and 5 other suspects .

In particular, financial badets relating to the suspects and a prestigious residential property via dei Renai in Florence have been seized.

Sampdoria Calcio is recipient of an seizure of an amount exceeding 200,000 euros, corresponding to the benefit of the badessed tax offense.

The badysis of a series of abnormal financial transactions by Ferrero Group companies led to the investigation of the GDF which led to the seizure of badets against Sampdoria and President Mbadimo Ferrero. In this context, according to the hypothesis of the men of the currency police, $ 1.2 million would have disappeared from the coffers of Sampdoria, part of the money raised for sale in West Ham from Pedro Obiang in the summer of 2015. distracted by the use of false invoices issued by a company attributable to Ferrero, even if they were administered by another entity, and subsequently reused to pay debts of others group companies and to finance a film produced by two other companies, still referable to the president of Sampdoria.

The GDF investigations also revealed a series of false labor disputes before the Labor Department of Rome, through which they concluded 5 settlement agreements of 100,000 euros each, simulating the existence of working relationships with 5 companies of the group. The money that, in large part, still supports the Guardia di Finanza was then used for the purchase of a valuable property in Florence.




Financial Guard

Entering badets

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