Claudia Montanarini, a former club tried for ill-treatment in the family


Claudia Montanarini, a former club tried for ill-treatment in the family

An incessant fiction full of twists. Like a South American soap opera, but much more real. The love between the two is long over, but the relationship between the old tronista "Men and Women" Claudia Montanarini and the real estate developer Daniele Pulcini, after many years, continues in the courtroom. Between complaints and mutual accusations. Yesterday morning, a 51 year old girl took part in the hearing during which she is accused of mistreating her family for her conduct against the three children of the couple, forced to watch "violent" quarrels ".

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Claudia Montanarini, a former tronista arrested for criminal harbadment: her abusive husband faces four years in prison

Bad words, curses and curses addressed to the companion in the presence of the children. But also physical attacks, slaps and insults directed against children. According to the reconstruction of the prosecution, represented yesterday in the hearing room by the honorary deputy prosecutor Andrea Beccia, the woman would be until December 2015 the protagonist of repeated acts of violence against the three children, so as to generate "a state of serious psychological disorder," as read in the trial journals. On many occasions, he would have denigrated his former companion in front of his children for not having paid the electricity bill that caused the disconnection of the electricity from his home, blaming him for their difficulties. economic. " So many of the behaviors charged to the woman who, according to the prosecutor, would have even prevented the children from "seeing their father and talking to him on the phone" if he had not paid for the required maintenance. "He's a criminal, he has to stay in jail," he added. In December 2014, Pulcini was involved in the Mafia Capital forensic investigation. According to prosecutors, the arrest of his father, who was later perpetrated in September he was acquitted on appeal by each charge.
M. C.

Last updated: 11:49 am © RESERVED COPY

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