Break the mechanism of memory – Biotech


Break the mechanism of memory. In fact, in fruit flies, we have discovered the process that allows us to remember and forget. Published in Cell Reports magazine, the result is due to researchers at the Scripps Research Institute in Florida, coordinated by Jacob Berry.

According to researchers, the same mechanism could also apply to humans and, if confirmed, it could have many implications. Understanding the processes of memorization and forgetfulness, and understanding how to handle them, for example, could be helpful in treating post-traumatic stress disorder and could help treat dementia and other forms of loss of life. memory.

The discovery was made possible by an experiment in which fruit flies were badociated with badociating a particular odor with an electric shock. Once formed, the insects avoided this smell, thus confirming the creation of a memory. By monitoring the activity of neurons before and after memory formation, using image techniques, researchers were able to examine in detail the physiological basis of memory formation.

It turned out that when a group of neurons is formed, a neurotransmitter called dopamine is activated and that, at the same time, these same neurons also act to make forget an old memory. "We think this system is used to suppress memories that are not important and that should not necessarily last long," notes Berry. This means, he adds, that "every time we learn something new, we form a new memory, but we erase an older memory: it is a very important balancing act that prevents us from overload ourselves ".



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