Migrants, ten arrests between Lombardy and Emilia-Romagna: "Trafficking in human beings"


Its members illegally entered Italy and helped them to move. la France. It was dismantled as a result of a lengthy investigation opened by the prosecution. Lodi a criminal organization dedicated to the transportation of irregular migrants, particularly from North Africa and Central Asia, entering and exiting Italy to other countries of the world; EU.

One hundred military from the Guardia di Finanza de Lodi, from dawn, they played, with the help of specialized personnel in the fight against terrorism, in Milan, Bergamo, Varese and Piacenza, ten orders detention in prison and numerous searches in Lombardy and in Emilia Romagna. There are 49 trips reconstructed by the yellow flames with hundreds of immigrants involved who have paid up to 5 thousand euros to be brought to Italy by the Greece and of Turkey.

The investigations, initially coordinated by the Procura di Lodi, were subsequently transferred to the District Anti-Mafia Branch from Milan. It all starts in August 2017, when Lodi's financiers arrest an Egyptian citizen in possession of identity cards, pbadports, paychecks and travel documents, files that help rebuild the business of one. structured organization. criminal badociation. In addition to facilitating illegal immigration, those arrested are also accused of recycling product of trafficking in human beings.

The trips, as well as the entrance to Italy, were also organized to go out, usually along the tunnel Mont Blanc to reach France. In small groups, the migrants were taken abroad in large cars with seven or more seats. "The specific modalities and circumstances in which the crimes were perpetrated appear to be symptomatic of individuals particularly accustomed to the illicit traffic and exploitation of the despair immigrants, "says the guard of finances.

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