Massimo Ferrero, "more than a million borrowed from Samp's coffers to pay Livingston's debts and finance a film"


The same day Mbadimo Ferrero, then little-known owner of Roman cinemas, introduced himself to fans of the Sampdoria as the new president of the club, a Busto Arsizio he was sentenced to one year and 10 months for the crash of the airline Livingston. It was June 12, 2014. On November 22, at age four and over, another gip – this time a Rome – organize the seizure of goods for more than Viperetta 1 million and 700 thousand euros: the profit, according to the accusation, of the crimes of fraud, issuing invoices for non-existent transactions, a fraudulent declaration and the use of currency of illicit origin, committed by Ferrero, by his daughter Vanessa, of his wife Manuela Ramunni and by group employees Ferrero Marco Guercini and Andrea Diamanti between 2014 and 2015.

The boss Dorian – is the prosecution – has subtracted more than a million coffers from the soccer club, using this money just to pay liability accumulated during the time of Livingston, as well as to settle certain tax problem and finance the production of a movie. The "coherent and nuanced circumstantial framework" recognized by the judge of instruction Antonella Minunni also suggests how the producer is hidden from the tax authorities about 200 thousand euros of VAT due by Samp, thanks to a series of fake invoices issued by Vici srl, of which Vanessa Ferrero is the sole administrator. Not only that: the Viperetta and her daughter, this time with Guercini and Diamanti, allegedly defrauded the Territorial management of work from Rome, artfully badembling five arguments in which Ferrero has been proclaimed an employee of related companies and has obtained, through the transactions, an indemnity not due for a total of half a million euros. Precautionary measures were taken by the Guardia di Finanza on the morning of 27 November. Among the badets seized, an apartment of Florence in the name of Mrs. Ferrero, Manuela Ramunni, purchased, in accordance with the indictment, with the proceeds of the latter transactions.

The origin of money: the sale of Obiang – The origin of the alleged illegal operations between the companies of the Ferrero group is the sale of Pedro Obiangtalented The midfielder from Sampdoria, to the English club of West Ham in June 2015. On June 17, Samp receives the transfer with the first payment installment: 2.5 million out of the 6.5 agreed. Nearly half of this sum (1 million 159,000 euros) comes from taken hostage with subsequent operations in the coffers of the Vici srladministered by Vanessa Ferrero. The causal? It seems like it's a cost to society playing the role of "general contractor"As part of the renovation of the Samp sports center, a Bogliasco. By and large, Vici would have identified the companies responsible for carrying out the work in a material way.

Vici's checks for Livingston – According to the prosecutor, however, this position it's never been done: and not only for "the obvious insufficiency of structures and the lack of know-how" apt to badume such a task (the social purpose of Vici, which is based at Hadrian's cinema in Rome, it is the production of films), but mostly because the general contractor of Sampdoria for this restructuring was actually another company, the G.Intech Innovation. Why, then, this money transfer? For the prosecution, the answer is simple and is in 17 circular checks issued by Vici in favor of Livingston Spa, in extraordinary administration since 2010, for a total of 805 thousand euros. Amount paid pursuant to an agreement reached in June 2015 between Livingston and Farvem Real Estate srl (another company related to Ferrero), as "balance, extract and transaction of each creditor"By the bankruptcy body of the airline." This is quite clear – reads the order – as the Vici with the aforementioned provision paid a debt of another company, but which belongs however to the Ferrero group ".

Debts to the tax authorities and the film Friesland But on the funds that Vici collected during the sale, Obiang advance 350 thousand euros about. What are they for? The pm's thesis is that a portion, 102 thousand euros, was used to pay the liability with the tax authorities of the Cgcs srl (Circuit management and film development, another company in the Ferrero galaxy, Vici's unique partner). Another, about 110,000 euros, was paid to companies. Film 9 srl and V Production srl finance the film Friesland, as can be seen from the reason of the bank transfers. Here too, the two legal entities are attributable to Ferrero (by the daughter and the nephew, Giorgio). "It is therefore clear – concludes the investigating judge – how the Ferrero group has again used the Vici srl corporate screen in order to drain resources economic C.U. Spa Sampdoria in order to use them for reasons beyond the control of society ".

The 209,000 euros seized at the Samp – With a particularly advantageous disadvantage: the emission of bills for nonexistent transactions (called the famous role of "general contractor"), led by Sampdoria de Vici for a value of more than a million euros, he actually allowed Ferrero to produce them in VAT declaration, obtain undue "savings" from 209 thousand euros tax due to the state. This is why the investigating judge, by organizing the seizure the sum evaded, states that it must be levied first of all "on the patrimony of the recipient company, the U.c. Sampdoria ".

Labor disputes "built on purpose" – L & # 39;other accommodation unlawful acts attributed to the Ferrero group by the Rome Public Prosecutor concern the alleged offense of aggravated fraud, committed against the territorial management of work (Dtl) through a system of labor disputesaccording to the charge, built in the art. Five procedures, writes the magistrate, "defined with the settlement agreements stipulated on the same day, 23 September 2014, and identical in the form and substance of the claims". In practice, Ferrero is pursuing five companies (Globalmedia, Eleven Finance, Mediaport Cinema, Vici and Cgcs), stating that they would all be tasked with concluding the acquisition ofold cinematographic circuit Cecchi Goricompleted in September 2013. Each company reportedly "qualified the service as occasional report and not continuous "while the Viperetta claims for itself the position of worker employee, complaining "of having suffered a great economic damagebecause this activity involved the renunciation of other activities and the loss of new opportunities. "The five companies agreed – writes the judge – for the sole purpose of avoiding the uncertainty of the trial, of to offer Ferrero a transaction of 60 thousand euros each, more 40 thousand in compensation for the damage suffered. One hundred thousand euros each, for a total of half a million. Agreements concluded before the conciliation commission of the Roman decree and legally can not be contested.

The money causes and the apartment on the edge of the Arno – Even here, though, looking closer, everything would run in the family. Because, according to the order, "the subjects formally involved as counterparts of Mbadimo Ferrero turned out to be exclusively the daughter Vanessa, as legal representative of Cgcs and Vici, and the nephew Giorgio, for Eleven Finance and Mediaport ". Globalmedia disappeared, but Marco Guercini, an employee of the Ferrero family, was represented in the proceedings. According to the investigating judge, a sufficiently coherent image to confirm "the fictive or in any case the instrument of the aforementioned disputes in the field of labor law, craftily addressed for the sole purpose of promoting ed enrich the Ferrero group. "Enrichment, in this case – badumption the investigators – functional to the purchase on behalf of Manuela Ramunni, l & # 39; wife of the boss of the Samp, a Florentine apartment in shore of Arno, via dei Renai n. 11. Also, from the first morning of Wednesday, sealed finances.

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