40% of organic fields are needed by 2027 to save the climate


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Agriculture: 40% of organic fields are needed by 2027 to save the climate

The agricultural model of the 1900s is finished, because it did not allow access to food for everyone and sufficient income for farmers and because it was destroying wildlife. If now, it is also the FAO, which has been a big supporter of the green revolution, means that now is the time to focus on agroecology. The change from 15.4 per cent of cultivated area to organic farming in Italy by the end of 2017 40% of biological fields by 2027or at the end of the programming period of the new Common Agricultural Policy (CAP): this is the challenge posed by the relationship Change the Earth 2018 "Conventional agriculture thus pollutes the economy (as well as the planet ). "

Read also: FAO: "The model of the green revolution is exhausted, it is now agroecology"

The report shows how beyond the 97% of public incentives Europeans are destined for Italy support the harmful forms of agriculture for the ecosystem and human health, while less than 3% of public resources go to support the environmental and health advocacy role played by organic farmers who pay costs prevention of accidental contamination, higher administrative and bureaucratic costs for clean production: the demand is therefore at least to rebalance efforts, in the light of the criterion of who does not pollute, does not pay.

Three proposals for a new paradigm

Specifically, three proposals were launched by the Change the Land Committee composed of FederBio, Legambiente, the Association of Environmental Physicians, the Italian League for the Protection of Birds and WWF, as part of of the report and to be put into practice at the political level.

  • The first explains Maria Grazia Mammuccini from FederBio Officeis "choosing an agriculture that gives more results on the environmental level by setting a concrete goal", or precisely "40% of organic production at the end of the next CAP".
  • The second is "begins to ban the glyphosate, despite the renewal by the European Union of an authorization for the next five years at least in the areas protected by the European directives, by Natura 2000 sites and removed from rural development plans ".
  • The third is "acting on National Action Plan on Pesticides, asking to reverse the burden: prevention measures must be borne by those who use pesticides, according to the principle of who pollutes pay, in particular by requiring the respect of the safety distances of the fields with chemical pesticides of bio ".

The proposals of the #organic after the presentation of the report @cambialaterra at @Montecitorio. "To combat the greenhouse effect, desertification and land degradation, we must choose the agroecological approach that produces goods for all" Read: https://t.co/uKV1a5fdb7 pic.twitter.com/ASXhpNnh1e

– FederBio (@FederBio) November 27, 2018

Towards the decline of intensive crops

All this to reverse an agricultural process that has so far generated the11% of greenhouse gases that drive up the fever of the planet and have contributed to the current levels of deforestation and deforestation. The same FAO also estimates that nearly half of the intensively cultivated land will be lost by 2050, while those cultivated organically will maintain stable productivity levels as they are more fertile and enjoy greater biodiversity. At the government level, the debate on the update of pesticides and the new CAP 2021-2027 is open at this stage: for this reason, explains the report, "it is time to make clear choices to drastically reduce the risk. use of pesticides and dissemination of organic farming. "In Italy, the 2013-2020 CAP aims to 963 million euros to organic farming against 41.5 billion destinies to conventional agriculture.

Organic farming also displaces the Parliament

Meanwhile, Parliament moves. "We are working on the law of organic farming, we will vote on the amendments tomorrow and we will try to collect some requests for organic farming," he says. Susanna Cenni, vice chairman of the House Agriculture Committee. "We are facing an important milestone because during these years the theme has been at the center of a very lively discussion." From the Milan Expo to the encyclical of Pope Francis, I think that it should be recalled also an intense parliamentary activity.The law on organic products had been approved in the House, but we unfortunately had no time to approve in the Senate that on waste Food: The common goal of paying more attention to food and land. "And banish forever the chemistry of agriculture.

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