Band ultra wide, the Senate gives its approval to the plan "5Stelle-Lega"


The clbadroom of Palazzo Madama approved the amendment, already pbaded in recent days by the Senate Finance Committee, which identifies a series of incentives to encourage the development "of new and advanced infrastructure in ultra wide band". The theme is Newco, in which the networks of Tim and Open fiber, as explained yesterday the opening of the proceedings, the rapporteur of the provision, Emiliano Fenu (M5S).

The text marks a compromise agreement between the Five-star movement and the leagueand provides incentives in the event that the integrated network ends up "in the hands of a non-vertically integrated legal entity belonging to a different badet or under the control of third parties, independent or different from vertically integrated network operators".

Opening the discussion at Palazzo Madama, the rapporteur of the provision, yesterday, Emiliano Fenu (M5Shad wished to emphasize how this provision opened the way to the constitution of a single network company which current networks of Tim and Open fiber. Today, the existence of two companies implies the dispersal of resources that could be used much more effectively – stresses the senator – A unique network allows to realize significant savings in the definition of investment strategies in the networks ".

The compromise between Lega and Movimento 5 stars actually took place with the approval of the amendments Monday night in the Finance Committee: it is precisely the amendment of the rapporteur to the decree on the Tax, desired by the Movement, as well as the sub-amendment of the League. amendment requests to, inter alia, exclude the "employment clause".

The new framework of rules provides that theAGCOM may indicate "a possible" voluntary "aggregation scheme in a non-vertically integrated wholesale legal entity" with "different" or "third-party" -owned "ownership" that must, as the asked the Lega, also be "independent or different network operators" vertically integrated ".

The aim should be to maximize investments in "new and advanced high-speed" infrastructure that can guarantee "stable connections". The reference initially requested by the League no longer appears in the text at the connection speed of up to 1 Gigabit (Gbps). Agcom will always put in place "adequate incentive mechanisms for the return on invested capital", taking into account the "historical cost" of the transferred networks, as well as the "workforce" of the legal entities involved. " the new regulatory framework, always at the forefront of the Northern League, they also ask at certain times the "separation" of the network.


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