Read more Champions League 2018/2019 between s vivo with the quinta giornata, which has concluded with a conclusion.
Come di consueto, Vocegiallorossa.it aggiornerà LIVE i tabellini degli incontri.
Già Giocate
AEK Atene-Ajax 0-2 (68, 72 & Tadic)
CSKA Mosca-Viktoria Plzen 1-2 (10.. Vlasic, 55 Proc Prochazka, 81 He Hejda)
Bayern Monaco-Benfica 5-1 (13 ', 30' Robben, 36 ', 51' Lewandowski, 46 'Fernandes, 76' Ribery)
Hoffenheim-Shakhtar Donetsk 2-3 (14 "Ismaily, 15", 90 "+ 2" Taison, 17 "Kramaric, 40" Zuber)
Juventus-Valencia 1-0 (59 'Mandzukic)
Lione-Manchester City 2-2 (55 ', 81' Cornet, 62 'Laporte, 83' Aguero)
Manchester United-Young Boys 1-0 (90 '+ 1' Fellaini)
Roma-Real Madrid 0-2 (46 'Bale, 59' Vazquez)
In corso
Atletico Madrid-Monaco 2-0 (2 "Koke, 25" Griezmann)
Lokomotiv Mosca-Galatasaray 0-0
Mercoledì alle 21
Borussia Dortmund-Club Brugge
Porto Schalke 04
Napoli-Stella Rossa
Paris Saint Germain-Liverpool
PSV Eindhoven-Barcellona
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