GM, Trump: "disappointed with the closure of factories and layoffs". And it threatens to reduce subsidies and new rights


Donald badet seems to have not taken very well the news that GM will cut about 15 thousand jobs in North America: so much so that today, the tycoon has threatened to block the subsidies Governmental governments, including i funds intended for electric cars (GM zero-emission vehicles currently benefit from a tax credit from $ 7,500). As usual the President from the United States entrusted a tweet to his stomach ache, declaring "a lot disappointed General Motors and its CEO, Mary Barra (on the photo with Trump), for the closing of regulations in Ohio, Michigan and Maryland ".

And then finger on foreign productions GM: "Nothing will be closed in Mexico and China. The United States has saved General Motors and it is the thanks we receive. We are now looking at the chopped off of all subsidies, including those for electric. GM did a good job bet In China, a few years ago, when he built his factories in the Asian country (and Mexico): I do not think the bet is about to pay. I'm here to protect the workers "Americans. Trump added that "the president has great power on this issue" and that after the facts related to General Motors, "new government tariffs are being studied" on the import of cars produced abroad.

The hypothesis was clearly rejected by the International Monetary Fund. In general terms, the director stated Christine Lagarde, "We know that the increase in trade barriers is counterproductive for everyone involved." IMF research suggests that liberalization of trade in services could increase in the long run by 0.5 percent, or $ 350 billion. , the GDP of the G20 ". At the same time, Lagarde added, country actions "can strengthen economies and reduce global imbalances". Here are some examples: Germany "could use its fiscal space to improve its growth potential, increase investment and stimulate participation in the workforce". The United States "could help reduce its budget deficit" and China "would accelerate its economic rebalancing". More specifically, the fund is on paper, a possible tax burden of the US administration could instead result in a reduction of global growth the 0.75%.

However, the US president is not the only one to have expressed anger for GM's industrial decisions. Senator Bernie Sandersfor example, was not less soft on Facebook: "This year, General Motors has benefited from a deduction tax of 514 million dollars, but instead of using that money to raise wages, benefits or increase jobs, it's doing exactly the opposite. "Sanders defined plan rationalization of the General Motors even "Scandalous".

" The society he's not poor and he's not bankrupt. This year, the GM has realized earnings for 6 billion of dollars and had enough funds to acquire 100 million share buyback enrich its shareholders. Last year, he badigned to the Ceo a compensation of 22 million of dollars, 295 times more than an average GM worker. Thanks to the Trump government, he also received 600 million in advantage contracts Fed. Government contracts, "concluded the senator," should go to the companies that create seating working in America, not for companies that eliminate them. L & # 39;greed General Motors is destroying the American social fabric. "

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