Bohemian Rhapsody, the criticism –


reading time 3 & # 39;

What Bohemian Rhapsody really shows are the limits of fan service, which happens to think a movie to please those who are already fans of its subject. Full of winks, details and references to notions or elements of the life of the characters that only fans know, the film even tells a producer interpreted by Mike Myers that no one will ever follow the time of Bohemian Rhapsody with his head while he's in the car, as he does in a well-known scene of Fusi di Testa, the maximum of blinking.

The problem with this first really fantastic biopic movie about Freddie Mercury and Queen has to be written as a promotional press release, filled with self-exhilarating phrases, and apparently scripted by someone who's never worked at high levels (instead the big one Peter Morgan behind the subject, even if the script wrote it Anthony McCarten, already responsible for The theory of everything).

From now on, the film strictly divides the story into professional and private information. On the one hand love, on the other hand the family and still another profession, even the anecdotes about the trade, the important moments as the unimportant moments and still the intimate scenes at regular intervals to bring out in words the sentimental situation . This rigid separation of facts and feelings should be used to portray Freddie Mercury's character and personal struggle. But like most movies about musicians (real or invented), the final story is that of a person who discovers himself using music as a megaphone.

To save this problematic conspiracy of bad writing and bad production (but after all, it was difficult to do anything good from a movie that has the same characters represented behind), they should be actors, but even there, things are not going well. The members of the group seem to be considered by the film as the comic line, they are points that make faces and who have stuck the labels of the villain, the kind and the sweetness, Rami Malek he often fights with a heavy prosthesis between mimesis and performance. Neither equal (impossible) nor able to refer to Freddie Mercury, the performance of Malek it can not exceed the defects of the film.

The history of the queen in Bohemian Rhapsody it's a very quick drive from a group that functions as a family until its singer's excessive pressure, drugs and bad friends make him lose the right path. A cinematic schematization of the 50s. To reconcile everything, there will be the finalone at Live Aid. And indeed, this moment is the best of the film.
In those about 20 minutes of songs, excellent game and the effort to bring a broad audience to those who are on stage is ultimately the union of anecdotes and sensations with a clear purpose. The effort of Bryan Singer is to show what happens at a concert, how many people can badociate with a performance and (finally!) which, apart from the songs, has made Freddie Mercury legendary. Fortunately, it is the big scene that closes the film, leaving a good taste despite what has been done before.

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