What is the global pact and why Salvini does not want to sign it? – Foreign


Rome, November 28, 2018 – In words league and 5stelle they both agree to suspend Italian membership in theGlobal Compact & # 39;. A facade unit, theirs. In truth, the international agreement on migrants has become the new battleground between yellow-green government shareholders. The Carroccio can not wait to send the alliance to withdrawal, the pentastellats have no intention of permanently revoking the word given by theItaly in September 2016.

What are we talking about? What is the "Global Compact for Migration"?? What are the reasons behind the opposing positions within the same majority? One answer at a time to clarify a fairly complex issue in itself. First, the "Global Compact" is a international agreement which aims to govern the migration globally. More state by state or continent to continent. The document speaks of a "disciplined, safe, regular and responsible" immigration and is corrected 23 goalsI center. These include reducing the factors that force people to leave their home country; improvement of routes for a regular migration; the fight against the traffic human beings and the empowerment of migrants and society in the perspective of a full inclusion.

The agreement, also known as the "New York Declaration", was signed at the General Assembly of theUN in September 2016 for more 190 states, Italy included. From 10 to 11 December, these same countries are expected to join (formally) the summit agreement Marrakech in Morocco. As confirmed by Prime Minister Giuseppe count, beaten at the hour by his deputy Matthew Salvini, Italy will not participate in the summit. The question of the signing of the agreement will be put in the hands of Parliament, following the example of Switzerland.

A bit like throwing the ball in a corner when your team can no longer stand up. If it was actually the League, the model to follow should have been the axis United States and group of Visegra & # 39; d (Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia and Hungary) which, mainly due to changes in the political color of the corresponding governments, decided to make a radical change from what they had signed two years ago. For these states, as well as for Carroccio, one of the constraints set out in the "Global Compact", to which subscribers are required, is absolutely indigestible. It is "the recognition and encouragement of positive contributions migrants and refugees for social development ".

Contrary to the opinion on the Five stars more geared towards immigration in partnership with other countries. "The Global Compact must be signed alone – Giuseppe Brescia, Chair of the House Constitutional Affairs Committee, openly expresses it on social media. global management l & # 39; immigration. Europe failed and left the individual states alone. Now what are we doing? Are we rejecting a more ambitious attempt? ".

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