Excellence / A, Sporting Judge: the heavy hand on Pro Favara, five years of disqualification for Contino


These are the decisions of the judge athletic after the 12th day of group A excellence:

800 euros: Pro Favara

Inhibition until March 15, 2019: Mendolia (Pro Favara)

Disqualification until December 10th: Tita Gallo (Sant 'Agata)

Exclusion until November 24, 2023: Contino (Pro Favara) "Have, at the end of the race, hit the umpire with a fist between the left ear and the jaw causing a loss of balance and persistent pain in order to have to resort to medical care in a hospital where this would have been reported with a prognosis of three days sc
Suppose that the above behavior confines a member's behavior to that which conditions the application of the sanctions provided by the USC.104 / A of 2014;
In fact, in the concrete case, "violent behavior" is within the meaning of the concordant federal case law, which consists of intentional and voluntarist conduct aimed at causing bodily harm or endangering the person's life. Physical integrity and resolves itself into an impetuous and uncontrolled action characterized by increased voluntary aggression accompanied by the coercion of others … "(cfCorte Giust./Fed., In CUn161 / CGF of 10.1.2014, Corte Giust.Fed CU n.153 / CGF of 18.1.2011 and, finally, C.Sportiva Appello, III Section, in CU n.056 / CSA of 22.12.2016 and C.Sportiva Appello , Unite Section, in CU No. 114 / CSA, 3.2017);
Therefore, in accordance with Article 16 (1) and (4a) of the C.G.S.
It is decided that the sanction imposed will be considered for the application of administrative measures in accordance with Paragraph 16 (4a) of the C.G.S. in the text approved by the Federal Council of FIGC (C.U.N.256 / A of 27.1.2016)".
Six days: Priolo (Pro Favara)
Three days: Fanara (Pro Favara)
Two days: Favata, Greco, Sciacca (Mussomeli)
One day: Manfré (Cus Palermo), Fina (Dattilo), Sangiorgio (Licata), Greek, Treppiedi (Mussomeli), Bennardo (Parmonval), Fallea (Pro Favara), Cicirello (Sant 'Agata)

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