The security decree is the law


the Security decree now this is law. It was therefore approved in the House by 369 "yes" by the decree wanted by the League and strongly supported throughout his parliamentary process by Matteo Salvini. Some members of the Mouvement des Cinque Stelle would not have participated in the vote, which shows how tensions within the majority and especially the Movement have not been resolved. During these weeks, the rebel led by Gregorio De Falco announced a battle threatening to vote against the provision. The vote is actually over with the "retirement" of Frondisti Grillini. Salvini, meanwhile, rejoices: "A memorable day, I am happy".

The news that comes with the security dl are many. Indeed, with the entry into force of the new regulation, the institution of the residence permit is repealed for humanitarian reasons. Still on the immigration front, a new voluntary repatriation program is launched. The decree also addresses some aspects of justice. In fact, the series of cases of crimes is enlarged, which, in the case of a final conviction, leads to the denial and revocation of international protection. Changes also concerning citizenship applications from foreigners. The application may be rejected even if it was made by those who married an Italian citizen. The possibility of revoking or denying citizenship to all immigrants convicted of terrorism is also introduced. With regard to other measures, there is also substantial intervention in the management of evictions from occupied buildings. There is in fact an exacerbation of sentences, from 2 to 4 years imprisonment, for those who invade "land and buildings of others". News also on the front of the security and the law enforcement. The experimentation and use of the Taser gun for the municipal police in municipalities of more than one hundred thousand inhabitants are developing. The electronic bracelet is also used for accused of domestic violence and criminal harbadment. Finally also close on the Daspo: it can also be extended to those who are suspected of crimes related to terrorism.

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