Migrant and Global Compact, Salvini: "We do not sign it, the Parliament decides" – Politics


Rome, November 28, 2018 – "The Italian Government will not sign the global compact"sure migrants says the Deputy Prime Minister Matteo Salvini referring to the treaty to be signed in Marrakech on 11 December. Or better, Parliament will decide. And to protest the oppositions, he responds: "It's a choice: our change, unlike somebody who imposes dozens of trust without asking anything from anyone, is that it will leave the Parliament alone." ;Express".

What is the global pact and why Salvini does not want to sign it?

Backtracking or new fibrillation in the yellow-green government? Who knows: Officially on the opportunity to let Parliament vote, Lega and 5 stars agree, even if stomach upset appeared on the side of the grill. For his part, the Prime Minister Guseppe Conte confirms the line adding that "we feel it is appropriate for parliamentarians to parlay the debate and put the final choices on the outcome of this discussion".

SALVINI – Salvini explains it as follows: "How did the Swiss do that the global pact brought it back to yesterday and then they said "stop everything" & # 39; – says the leader of the League in the House Chamber – then the Italian government he will not sign anything and he will not go to Marrakech. It must be the House to discuss it. The Italian government will choose the Parliament ".
And I M5 Deputies Foreign Affairs Committees and Under-Secretary for Foreign Affairs Manlio Di Stefano confirms: "As Conte reaffirms, the Global Compact is a document that raises problems and problems that citizens feel parliamentarize the debate and to postpone the corresponding choices on the outcome of the discussion, as decided Switzerland. It is right to choose the government that will not participate in Marrakech, reserving the right to join the document only when the Parliament has spoken after a thorough debate ".

Donald Trump had left the UN plan on migrants last year

COUNT – Prime Minister met personally with Palazzo Chigi journalists: "The Global Compact is absolutely consistent with our strategy, I shared the plan with my partners from the EU, I have not changed my mind Compared to the evaluation presented to the UN Assembly, but as a document with political value, we agreed that it may be fair to create a parliamentary pbadage in which everyone can share what we do ", did he declare.

On the Global Compact, says Conte, "there are a lot of expectations before the Marrakech deadline, I get reports. There is a lot of ferment. I convened a summit yesterday in which, with the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Vice Presidents, although Di Maio could not be present and represented by the Undersecretary Di Stefano, we agreed after a serene and frank badessment respective opinions that it is right to create a parliamentary pbadage in which match and express in a very relaxed and broad way. "And he concludes:"Marrakech will not be the last chance express an opinion on this document ".

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<p>5 STARS OUTSIDE THE CHOIR – Vice-Chair and Chair of the House Constitutional Affairs Committee, <strong>Giuseppe Brescia</strong>, M5S, according to which "The Global Compact <strong>It must be signed absolutely</strong>"Brescia in a position in which he says to share the words of Foreign Minister Enzo Moavero Milanesi in Parliament." I agree with them regardless of our government's participation in the Marrakech Conference. We need a comprehensive management of immigration. Europe failed and left the individual states alone. Now what are we doing? Are we rejecting a more ambitious attempt? "He writes.<br />And he goes on: "The minister explained what he envisaged: in the document," the principles of shared responsibility, the principles of partnership with countries of origin and transit and the need to fight against Traffickers of human beings are well understood. "These are exactly the same things we are asking of the European Union". </p>
<p>MARTINA AND DELRIO – "The behavior of Prime Minister Conté on the global pact, the global pact on immigration, <strong>it's shameful</strong>. He took <strong>international commitments</strong> what time is it <strong>disowned</strong>, the government has split in substance and has tried to eliminate its divisions in Parliament, while Italy is becoming more and more <strong>global shame "</strong>.</p>
<p><strong>Graziano Delrio</strong>The President of the Council, the true President of the Council, is Salvini. The Foreign Minister and Prime Minister have been denied about Italy joining the Global Compact on Migration, he said, recalling that "Moavero and Conte had <strong>reiterated at the UN </strong>that Italy would have signed on 11 December. Now<strong> Salvini changes the line </strong>from the government and is sent back to Parliament. It is a change of position that makes Italy lose even more credibility ".</p>
<p>BOLDRINI FURIOSA – "The global pact promoted by the United Nations provides, inter alia, for <strong>fight against xenophobia</strong> and exploitation, the contrast of<strong> trafficking in human beings</strong>, the strengthening of integration systems, the<strong>humanitarian badistance</strong> and development programs. A great opportunity for countries like Italy, which have long been asked not to be left alone to manage this phenomenon and who live today in even greater isolation. This is due to the government policy dictated by the League, which brought us closer to the Visegrád group, "he said. <strong>Laura Boldrin</strong>I, MP for Leu and former spokesperson for the<strong>UNHCR</strong>. "End of September – recalls Boldrini – iGiuseppe Conte, meeting with the Secretary General of the United Nations, Antonio Guterres has confirmed the support of Italy to this program of the United Nations. <strong>today Matteo Salvini has denied </strong>saying that our executive should rather reject it and it was announced that Italy would not participate in the Marrakesh Conference planned on December 10th and 11th. Do not go there means <strong>tidy up with Orban</strong> and prevent the European Union from taking a leading role in this forum ".</p>
<p>THE HOLY SEE – <strong>In favour</strong> instead of the world pact, the Holy See ranks.<strong> Father Michael Czerny </strong>"I can say that, as Holy See, we wish to adopt the Covenant not only from now on, but from the beginning, we have shared with the other states the fruits of what we do, <strong>what we want, what we dream</strong>". <br />For Czerny, "we need to bring this church treasure to the consultation forum, so we are very pleased to see that the Migration Pact reflects not only important points in our document, but also an approach, a style." These twenty points are principles and values. that all men of good will can grant to migrants. In our desire to promote dialogue and the culture of the meeting, we urge not to let fear, which has its reasons, a decision.</p>
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