Migrants, government: "On the Global Compact must decide the Parliament"


The Lega and the M5s of the European Parliament separate to decide on the UN pact on migration

Migrants, government:

sure Global Compact for Migration, the agreement sought byUN To manage international migration, the Italian government takes time. the Under-Secretary for Foreign Affairs, Manlio Di Stefano stresses that it is "appropriate for parliaments to make the debate" and considers "correct the choice of the executive not to take part in the meeting of Marrakech", pending the pronouncement of the Chambers. The conviction of the candidate at the secretariat of the Pd is clear Maurizio Martina: "Shameful behavior".

The government's positionInterior Minister Matteo Salvini said Italy would not sign the Global Compact on Migration before Parliament was expressed. An announcement that raised the embarrbadment of 5-star movement. Frictions between the positions of the two majority parties were revealed to the population. European Parliamentin a vote to include the debate on the global compact on the agenda of Thursday, 28 November. The League voted against, while M5 MPs voted for. Even the European Parliament itself divided, with 208 yes, 195 no and 17 abstentions..

In confirmation of the words of the party leader league he was also expressed the Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte: "The Global Compact on Migration is a document that raises issues that are also widely felt by citizens, so we think it is appropriate to parlay the debate and postpone final decisions on the outcome of this debate. As Switzerland has decided, therefore, the government will not participate, reserving the right to join the document or not only when the Parliament has pronounced itself ". One position, that of the government, in contrast with what had been announced previously. At the United Nations meeting on 26 September, Prime Minister Conte declared Italy's support for the Migration Pact: "The migratory phenomena with which we measure ourselves require a structured, multilevel response to in the short, medium and long term from the entire community, on this basis we support the Global Compact on Migration and Refugees ". In addition, the Minister of Foreign Affairs Enzo Moavero Milanesi, answering a parliamentary question from the brothers of Italy, had reiterated the favorable orientation of Italy on the document of the UN.

The oppositionsthe Democratic Party he accused the government of being retracted with what had been said previously. Hard the parent company Graziano Del Rio: "The real President of the Council is Salvini.The Minister of Foreign Affairs and the Prime Minister having refused the accession of Italy to the Global Compact for Migration, Moavero and Conte have reiterated to the UN that Italy will sign on December 11. Now, Salvini changes his line of government and returns to Parliament.This is a change of position that causes Italy to lose even more credibility after the sad figure. of the maneuver ". As well Laura Boldrini expresses its position on the government's decision, recalling that: "The Global Compact, the outcome of which is not binding, simply wants to be a forum for finding the solution and Italy is still complaining about To be left alone and when there is an opportunity does not go to the meeting, thus contradicting the chairman of the board: it is very serious.

Resistance to global pactSupporting the Conté government in the House is: Brothers of Italy that by the voice of Giorgia Meloni defines the "foolish" UN document because it "destroys borders and large countries favoring uncontrolled immigration".

Also at the international level, there are those who said "no" to the global pact. The countries of the Visegrad Group (Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia and Hungary), Israel, Australia, Austria, Bulgaria, Switzerland, Poland and the United States of America have been refused. Donald Trump In fact, he has decided to withdraw from the UN pact, seen perhaps too much related to the administration of Barack Obama. To announce the exit of the states of the group of signatories, the US representative, outgoing, to the UN, Nikki Haley"Our immigration decisions must always be made by Americans and only by Americans."

What is the Global Compact for Migration?The Global Compact on Migration is the first international agreement to establish a common line on migration management. The pact, launched byUN on 19 September, at the New York Summit on Migrants and Refugees, it should be adopted by the end of 2018. On 10 and 11 December in Marrakech, an intergovernmental conference during which the document could be adopted. . The Minister Matteo Salvini announced that Italy would not participate in the meeting. The Global Compact on Migration aims to ensure "safe, orderly and regular migration" at the international level. Its signatories are committed to creating a common policy, in accordance with the principles set out in the ten guidelines of the declaration. "No state can face the migratory phenomenon alone, precisely because of its transnational character," the document says. The purpose of the United Nations is to protect the rights and well-being of migrants. In fact, at the center of political decisions, there must be individuals who must live "under conditions of well-being in countries of origin, transit and destination". This must be done without undermining national sovereignty: "States will continue to enact laws on immigration, in accordance with international law". The distinction between legal and illegal migrants will also be in the hands of national governments. On these points, however, are the main concerns of the Italian Government. In fact, on many points in the UN document, League members see elements that conflict with their own political views on the subject of migrants.

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