Borsa Milano loses its momentum and construction late, Trump shakes the Forex


The Italian government is ready to make concessions to the European Union, debt reduction in the budget planand the reduction in the projected deficit-to-GDP ratio for 2019 from 2.2% to 2.2%. By introducing income from citizenship and the share of 100 on pensions at the end of February 2019, budget savings will be 3 billion euros. According to Claudio Borghi's estimates, this would be enough to reduce the deficit.

Despite the rapprochement between Italy and the EU, Piazza Affari is not able to lengthen after the sharp rises of the day before and trade just below the parity, the Ftse Mib list has been reduced by 0.3%. Sales on Saipem (-1.8%) after the rebound of yesterday. Losses also for Banco Bpm (-1.6 &) and STM (-1.5%). FCA (+ 0.2%) continues its progression towards 15 euros. On the bond front, construction is lagging behind yesterday's jump and the performance spread with Germany is close to 300 basis points.

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