Amazon becomes a postman: what changes


November 28, 2018 – It's official: Amazon is a postal operator in its own rightTherefore, besides sending parcels from its mega logistics centers, you can also bring them home. Also in Italy. The novelty stems from the registration of the two companies Amazon Italia Logistica and Amazon Italia Transport in the register of postal operators, updated on November 16, 2018 by the Ministry of Economic Development.

Like this Amazon "sets up" after the sanction of 300,000 euros imposed by AGCOM, the Communications Guarantee Authority, which had decided in August to sanction the giant of electronic commerce "a unified network for third-party product delivery and delivery point management (lockers)".

The Amazon factor

From now on, the problem no longer arises: Amazon will be able to deliver its parcels throughout the peninsula, with its logo on the parcel, its tracking system and its employees (who will however be hired with the postal sector contract). Until now, however, Amazon in Italy had delivered the goods through Poste Italiane – SDA, which would now risk losing a major customer. But it is not said that this is the case, because Amazon could also choose to continue to trust Poste Italiane or other carriers, instead of making deliveries in person.

Amazon Mail, what's going on now?

This has already happened in the past, even in the United States, where Amazon has beefed up its delivery service to put pressure on FedEx, the company by which it routes the majority of parcels to their final destination. , to increase the quality of service and the lack of factors and vehicles in critical periods like Christmas and Black Friday. Or Amazon could use the license only for certain types of deliveries, such as those in lockers (called "locker", Main cause of the fine taken in August.) Finally, Amazon can only deliver personally to Amazon Prime customers who, by paying for these services, need a more efficient, flexible and faster service that a normal express courier service can not guarantee on average.

For the moment, the company has limited itself to confirming that registration as a postal operator was designed to respond to AGCOM's conclusions: in a note, Amazon states "complied with the provisions of Agcom in the resolution of August. We are always available to cooperate with the authorities to provide information about our activities.". Finally, to this day, the section "Become a mail for Amazon"With what virtually all transport companies can apply to become a local messaging service for Jeff Bezoz.

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