Dl Security, House final green light | Protest Pd with white masks for "the invisible"


The House of the House approves the security decree. After gathering the vote of confidence on Tuesday, the disposition pbades definitively to Montecitorio with 396 yes, 99 no. The text, after publication in the Official Journal, will become law. In addition to the majority, the ITF and IF also support this provision. The league rejoices, the exhibitors of the M5 remain motionless. Protest of deputies Pd with white masks on the face.

PD in clbad with white masks for "Invisible"

White masks on the face to say no to a provision that will create "invisible people": migrants and asylum seekers. And 'the brief protest of the Democratic Party members in the House of Commons. "These people will continue to exist but for you, they are invisible, nameless and faceless, but we will not forget them," group leader Dem Graziano Delrio said at the end of his speech.

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Salvini: "memorable day" – "Well, I am very happy, memorable day, I am happy": it is the comment of the head of the Lega and Vice President of the Council, Matteo Salvini, after the vote in the House Chamber. Salvini does not answer a question about the enlargement of the majority, in this vote, to center-right groups. "I am satisfied – he told reporters before leaving Montecitorio – that some leftist veterans remain convinced that illegal immigration is not a problem and that security is a good thing, even if it suits everyone ".

Fourteen M5 deputies do not vote, 22 are on mission – Fourteen members of the M5S do not vote for the decree on security in the chamber of the chamber and 22 others, including Luigi Di Maio, are on mission. In the League, the absentees are 4. Among the 5 absent stars, there are also some who have expressed their disagreement on this provision, as Luigi Gallo, Veronica Giannone, Riccardo Ricciardi, Doriana Sarli and Gilda Sportiello.

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