The security decree is the law


The safety decree is the law What does it provide?

Posted on: 28/11/2018 20:32

After receiving the vote of confidence on Wednesday, the security decree is now in effect. With 396 yes and 99 no, the House approved the provision already rejected by the Senate and strongly desired by the Minister of the Interior, Matteo Salvini. Center-right groups also voted in favor of the package, in addition to M5S and Lega. In the House, at the time of approval, a series of bursts of laughter and long applause began on the shores of Carroccio. No applause, however, from the parliamentarians of Cinquestelle. For the government, Deputy Prime Minister Salvini and the Deputy Secretary to the Council Presidency, Giancarlo Giorgetti. For the M5S, the Minister of Relations with Parliament, Riccardo Fraccaro. After the vote, Salvini and Fraccaro, seated side by side, shook hands.

The protests, however, arose from the shores of the Democratic Party, where deputies wore a white mask on their faces. "This decree – is the accusation of the dem – will create invisible people. To extol, the Minister of the Interior: "I'm happy, it's a memorable day – said Salvini – I'm happy and satisfied." Then, answering those who asked him While he was pleased that the decree had been voted by an enlarged majority, the Deputy Prime Minister said: "I am pleased that some veterans of the left remain convinced that illegal immigration is not a problem and that Security is a theme, a thing, only right, while it is something that concerns everyone. "Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte also said:" Another element of the government contract has been achieved – wrote Conte on Twitter -. We have made specific commitments to the Italians and will continue to respect them. We continue like this ".

Some M5S deputies, on the other hand, did not take part in the vote. These include Doriana Sarli and Gilda Sportiello. "I did not take part in the vote, but rather in the vote against, as a sign of respect for the work of those who spent to improve this decree, with mediocre results," says Sarli All Adnkronos. "As things went on in the House, no improvement was made to have the Dl have less impact on the social fabric," Sportiello echoed. A total of 14 M5S members did not participate in the vote. Some, it was pointed out, are absent justified. Others, on the other hand, would be absent "unjustified". According to Adnkronos sources of M5S, the 5-star members absent "unjustified" at the time of the final vote are: Barzotti, Cappellani, Erm, Gallo, Giannone, Ricciardi, Sarli, Sportiello, Vizzini. Everyone except Gallo had signed the letter "critical" against the Salvini decree.

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