Inter, Spalletti: "We're sorry, let's see what happens"


The coach must hope for a Barcelona gift against Tottenham: "I do not even have to go through the antechamber of the brain to not play seriously"

Inter, Spalletti:

Strong defeat for Inter, extended 1-0 by Tottenham and now behind the British. "We did what we had to do except in some parts of the race," Spalletti said. "We are very disappointed with the result, we have to play next and see what happens, there were opportunities we had not taken well before their goals against these teams are normal and you're still under pressure ".

The technician badyzes the match: "On the net, we had a double misinterpretation of Sissoko's descent which has suffered physically, depending on the characteristics of the players.They have more ball players, but we have to clean the first one. we do not have the good features, especially in the men at the front, Perisic and Icardi have size, but in the features are different, difficult to take the long balls for Kane, while we can not do this type of play. Moreover, even to lose a few balls less, Nainggolan, the problem of his ankle was reevaluated, I think it's hard to see him in Rome, even muscularly he had a little problem because he was running badly .. Given his condition, a replacement was lost, but we talked to the doctors and all was well. " Well Borja Valero: "Today, he has not even suffered from the faces of his opponents, but he might not have had the freshness that he had when he came out of the bench ".

On the last lap, to go to the second round, inter will have to go beyond PSV and hope a gift of min Barcelona with the Spurs: "I do not even go through the antechamber of the brain in which Barça does not play.I have doubts about the fact that they do not have to face every match to win ".



Champions League



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