Salvini moves the right side The Huffington Post


Law as "emotion", even before that as a coalition, agreement, political form and, who knows, a new majority. As an emotion of safety, culture of diversity, fueled by the myth of the invasion of migrants, defense that never knows of excess, the day of "we are all Fredy", " which of us would not have done it ". The emotion called Salvini, the owner of the fear society who invests the easy consensus on the Biscione societies, in the umpteenth interview of Barbara D'Urso, between a joke about "Elisa" and the promise from a "Wild West" normative because, with the following provision, "who will fetch", we get a ball. Security is also synonymous with weapons.

There is this feeling, the day of the day Salvini, cuddled by Mediaset, voted by the whole center on the security decree, with the Five Stars in the role of coat racks of the sovranist march. Watch this scene late in the morning. Surprisingly, the Minister of the Interior, in the role of Minister of Foreign Affairs and, after all, the real Prime Minister, between a vote and the other on the security decree, announces that the Italy will not sign the Global Compact for Migration and, therefore, will not participate in the Marrakech Summit. It will be Parliament that will decide whether or not the government will adhere to the international agreement from which it has emerged, in recent weeks, the United States of Trump, Hungary from Orban, Israel, the United States. 39, Australia and Austria.

It is a scene that has only few precedents, because Salvini, in his speech, announces that "in a few minutes", this information will also be revealed to the Prime Minister. Already the President of the Council, namely that the "King Travicello" who, on September 26, at the 73rd General Assembly of the United Nations had made a commitment quite opposite: "The migratory phenomena require a structure on several levels, in the short, medium and long term, in the long term by the entire international community, on which we support the Global Compact on Migration and Refugees ". This is true: solemn commitment for a solemn place. Not only is this categorically denied, but even the dignity of autonomous intervention is not granted, as it was a pbadacarte that only ratifies decisions. others. In a democracy, the form is material and, normally, no minister has ever allowed himself to say in the House "this is the line, in a few minutes, I announce that the President of the Council will say the same thing in a statement Press".

A few hours later, the security decree also pbades with the votes of the entire center-right, in the embarrbadment of the Five-Star. Embarrbadment dense as silence during the discussion of the day: hours and hours, without even an intervention, let us say it, of deputies usually noisy and talkative. Or as the absence of final applause with a group of pentastellati parliamentarians who does not even take part in the vote. While those of Forza, Italy find an old audacity against "the left of the blind reception" and the "red cooperatives".

We said: the climate, the feeling, maybe even the call of the forest, because Gelmini is right when he says "we vote yes because it is a center provision" -law". Maybe even just "right", without "center". In his speech, the whole meaning of the day is political and emotional: "It would be enough – he said – to review some videos of this" sleeping "leader of the 5-star movement, Alessandro Di Battista, to understand that the distances were really So, remember to the colleagues of the 5 Stars Movement that they are voting today for a measure together with Forza Italia, the Lega, maybe the Brothers of Italy, tell him about Di Battista, talk about it to your constituents And when Salvini announces from D'Urso that the next disposition will be on self-defense, the script repeats: "We are ready", "we are ready", "I plan it immediately", "c & # Is urgent ".

Migrants, security, self-defense. And also God, the Fatherland, the Family, the traditional, to protect themselves from the ethnic invasion, with the apology and welcome, but also of all that the snaturi, because there is no only one family, who does not eat kebab, who has the crucifix in the room and is composed of men and women and not gays: "The ethical issues – Salvini – do not appear in the contract and will therefore never be resolved.There will be no discussion. " Point, with all due respect to Vincenzo Spadafora, the Undersecretary for Equal Opportunities who announced a few days ago an initiative on the adoption of homobaduals.

Let's say things like they are: if Salvini wanted to target Palazzo Chigi with a Palazzo maneuver, it would take a moment. Another majority is formed, with all the center-right and a large group of "leaders" ready to support him. In the rooms that count, the subject is erased for days as well as all the reasoning around the "when" the crisis is going to open. Let's face it, though. Salvini from Palazzo Chigi is already there and he can also save himself a perilous maneuver, as he has managed the masterpiece of being without much compromise, even by moving a Movement that, until a few months, had doubled his votes. From right to right.

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