continues to increase in Rome, Campania remains the most expensive region of Italy –


The Belluno pay € 153 per year, while the Trapani 571: a difference of 270%. The waste tariff in Italy could not be more fragmented and almost always reflects the more or less virtuous management of garbage in our country. The badysis is carried out by the Cittadinanzattiva Price and Tariff Observatory, which compared the Tari bill in all Italian provinces.

Rome is the only city in Lazio where the rate has increased in 2018 (from 383 to 394 euros per year). Naples continues to figure in the top 10 most expensive cities with an annual hit of 446 euros even though last year there was a drop of 2 euros. Rincari also in Milan (+ 3.5%) where the Tari s raises to 332 euros.

The trends do not change compared to the last years: in the north we pay less (256 euros on average), in the south more (357 euros). The center, with 301 euros, is the middle way. However, we can observe some timid positive signs: at the national level, in 2018, 0.5% was paid less than in 2017: 302 euros on average. Even though there are more areas where the rate has increased compared to those in which it has decreased: 10 to 6.

Regions. In Basilicata, the increase of one year on the other 13.5% was attributed to the province of Matera; on the other side, there is the Molise, where the most notable decline was recorded: -4.9%, Isernia reaching -6.3% thanks to a good separate collection, which is around 57%. Campania continues to benefit from the country's highest tariff (422 euros), followed by Sicily (399 euros) and Puglia (373 euros): the three regions saw the rate increase again during the year. year. While Trentino Alto Adige maintains the record of the cheapest region (188 euros), followed by Molise (219), despite a separate collection of waste with 28% of separated waste, and Friuli Venezia Giulia (221).

Provinces. As mentioned, Trapani is the most expensive city in Italy. The cascade reached vertiginous levels (+ 49%) and canceled – at the regional level – the good performances of Enna (-13%) and Syracuse (-9%), but also of Palermo, Messina, Catania and Caltanissetta . they at least managed to keep the rate unchanged. The ranking continues with Cagliari (514 euros), Salerno (468) and Trani with 461 euros per year. Among the most virtuous provinces, Belluno is followed by Udine (160 euros) and Vibo Valentia (180), the only city south of the top 10 with Isernia (185).

A slight fall in national level is an increase in the separate collection of waste, which (Ispra data) from 2006 to 2016 increased from 25.8% to 52.5%. The most virtuous regions are Veneto and Trentino Alto Adige, where more than 70% is exceeded, as well as Lombardy and Friuli Venezia Giulia, where 70% approach it. Sicily remains the only one below the 20% threshold, while Calabria and Basilicata jumped 8% from 2015 to 2016.

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