Reggio, a city with limited democracy


REGGIO CALABRIA Politics. What they are the administration. What They Are The Streets What They Are Taxes And Taxes. What they are Food put on the table and even that thrown. What they are Jobs. What they are Free time and cultural activities or supposed to participate. It was also their thing. If the data that emerges from the motives of the Gotha judgment, triggered by the investigation coordinated by Deputy Prosecutor Giuseppe Lombardo, conclude that Reggio Calabria is a city where democracy has been limited for more than 30 years. A nucleus of criminal power has been – and probably still is – to act as a limit to the free exercise of the most fundamental constitutional rights. For more than 30 years in Reggio Calabria has ordered the 'ndrangheta.

CITY WITH DEMOCRACY LIMITED It was his strategic direction to decide the administration, to adapt to his needs, his suitability and his desire, to divide the most profitable activities of the clan. Public or semi-public, such as municipal. Private, like big retailers. Both of them had the habit of generating gains and consensus, forged on distributed jobs as "favor" and often keeping silent about abuses, half-paid wages, exploitation, loyalty and silence. The more than 2,400 pages with which the Lagan group motivated the heavy sentences handed down to the accused at the end of the first degree of the abbreviation of Gotha constitute a tragic photograph of a city in which democracy is suspended. And this is the judicial truth, supported by evidence, not a sociological badysis.

VERTICAL STRUCTURE There is a trace "established by the process" and from which we must necessarily begin – stresses the judge – to fully understand the terms of the question. "The ndrangheta, as a mafia criminal badociation, is historically rooted in the Calabrian territory and in particular in the province of Reggio Calabria – we read in the motivations – to a unitary and essentially vertical structure". And the summit consists of a concrete, operational and effective organ. In this regard, Filippo Chirico, regent of the Libri clan, intercepted in July 2013, explains: "Here in Reggio, count … the six, seven. Instead, De Stefano says that the question was asked, six, seven. The thing is seven ". He also talked about the boss Sebastiano Altomonte, who in 2007 was talking about "the invisible born a few years".

STRATEGIC DIRECTION A complex, armored organization up to the Gotha investigation, considered a proof of repentance and investigation, but at the same time extremely agile. It is unfortunately also an organization that has managed to establish a true silent dictatorship in Reggio Calabria. "It is – notes the judge in the motivations – of a function, that exerted by the occult summit of the badociation, of address" of the strategic choices of the unitary badociation understood, which is explained by the work of real penetration into the vital ganglia of social and civil life (local and non-governmental institutions, relative administrative apparatus), in order to guide their initiatives and decisions in a direction favorable to the criminal interests of the same badociation ".

THE STRATEGY OF THE DOME Two strategic lines defined and pursued by the dome. First, "a consistent and methodical infiltration and conditioning of local government (city, province, region) and badociated government apparatus (city council of Reggio Calabria, provincial council of the province). from Reggio Calabria, Calabria region), which guided the choices of the administrators (politicians, leaders and officials) in favor of the strategic criminal interests of the "Ndrangheta." Translation, with their vote, the citizens of Reggio Calabria never decided anything because everything had already been defined by the strategic direction of the clans.Secondly, "the intrusion into key sectors of local economic life, especially with regard to large-scale food distribution and commercial activities related to this "interest" macro ".

THE MACHINE OF POWER In fact, the strategic leadership of the clans in contaminating politics has created a perfect machine not only to increase and consolidate its power, but above all to maintain it. Getting hold of all local governments has prompted the clan to lay the groundwork for the management of the electoral consensus, but especially to consolidate the division of criminal power over which the balances that followed the second war of 'ndrangheta have been founded and maintained. On the plateau was Reggio Calabria, dismembered and dusty through its municipal walls. In fact, in a context where "almost all cash consists of economic flows of regional, state and community origin", the "Ndrangheta has taken over the main economic levers of the city.

THE POLICY NECESSARY "The division by the" Ndrangheta "of so-called mixed societies – in fact, we read in the motivations of the sentence – was first concretized by the penetration into the local political fabric (which has First created the conditions of existence of the aforementioned mainly public companies) and, subsequently, achieved through the undue management of so-called municipal enterprises by individual local politicians, for purposes apparently (only) "electoral", but really useful (also) to satisfy the criminal interests of the gangs of which, often, the unique political exponent was an expression ".

HISTORY TEACHING To prove it, there is the recent political news of the city of Reggio Calabria. It is no coincidence that former Senator Antonio Caridi, accused in the ordinary as reserved for the strategic management of "Ndrangheta, has always jealously defended the advisers of the delegations that allowed him to intervene on the municipal. It is no coincidence that former city councilor Manlio Flesca, convicted of electoral corruption, guaranteed the recruitment to Reges of the wife of the clan entrepreneur, Vincenzo Barbieri, in exchange for votes.

PILLARS AND ANGULAR STONE For the judge, "the indirect and mediatized management of the" public thing "by the criminal badociation has been the tool to achieve and guarantee the dominance of cash flows managed by local authorities (municipality, province and region), with obvious and obvious benefits consequences for "ndrangheta: a (more immediate) economic nature, consisting of large sums drained by the coffers of public bodies; another (less obvious, but certainly much more profitable and advantageous for the joint partnership) of a socio-political nature, constituted by the creation and the consolidation of a clientele link between the elector (future employee of the joint company) and the corrupt politician, expression of the single "ndrina". These are the pillars of the dictatorship of the clans in Reggio Calabria, but their cornerstone and the necessary presupposition is, if possible, even more serious "in the management, by the occult members of the" ndrangheta, the "public thing" and, in particular, in the selection and identification of the political referent to whom entrust the "public thing" ".

& # 39; NDRANGHETA & POLITICS, ANCIENT RELATIONSHIP And with politics, the strategic direction of the clans has always had an umbilical relationship, which goes well beyond the exchange rate. Its roots – the judge recalls – are embedded in the "Society of the Holy", "moment of contact and synthesis of those who, until that moment, constituted two different and distinct worlds: the criminal incarnate, until 'at that time, by Mommo Piromalli and by the brothers Paolo and Giorgio De Stefano and that of civil society, composed of the bourgeoisie, politics and entrepreneurship'. A contact made possible by the deviated Freemasonry, which – specifies the gup – "ensures equal dignity unlawful to both environments". And the repentant Cosimo Virgiglio, high-ranking mason and long-time figure of Molè, has explained it well.

MUTUAL ADVANTAGE "By this" pbadage "made up of Santisti (represented by unsuspected subjects) – he put Virgil to verbal – the Masonic world enters the" ndrangheta and not the reverse ". And the two thus meet a fundamental need: the management of electoral flows for the "Masonic component, highly politicized" and the "consolidation of the huge dirty capital already formed, which were to be re-implanted on the market, even at the "Foreign, by means of advanced financial instruments, managed by members of Masonry" for the component of "ndrangheta." The result is the construction and consolidation of a "power system" expanded in which, in an osmotic exchange of men and means, elements of the criminal badociation and representatives of civil society, badociations, institutions, forces of the Order of the Judiciary. "And that would have never been possible without a ndrangheta-umbilical political link.

A REPORT OF CHANGE A complex relationship, cemented in the era of the Moti di Reggio and subversive projects to which the 'ndrangheta has never been withdrawn, which goes well beyond the' simple 'exchange rate with l & rsquo; Single political exponent, on which to direct votes in exchange for money, favors or both. This type of strategy – it is explained in the sentence – has already been replaced by the elite 'ndrangheta at the end of the second war between the clans of Reggio. And to explain it, it is the lawyer Giorgio De Stefano himself, the first element of the summit of the strategic direction of the clan sentenced as such. "The votes – he said intercepted – must bring them to the politician, he must not bring the family … it brings them to you, but they are nothing."

CLAN POLICY The politician must be identified, trained and taken by hand, as – it appears from the investigation – this happened with the former mayor of Reggio Calabria, as well as the governor of the region, Giuseppe Scopelliti. Alternatively, it is created at a table, as was the case for former Senator Antonio Caridi. But these are just examples. "The re-reading of the survey material shows that, in 2002, Romeo Paolo and De Stefano Giorgio played a decisive role in the elections of the mayor of the municipality and the president of the province of Reggio Calabria and in the formation of councils and councils respective ". As determined – this has been proven in court – it was the shadow of strategic clan leadership in the daily actions of these administrations. And the bill paid and he continues to pay those who live in Reggio Calabria, submissive rather than citizen of a suspended democracy.

Alessia Candito
[email protected]

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