This time, he does not deserve to return to prison


Nina Moric confirms his step back from the fault with Fabrizio Corona. In an interview with "La Repubblica Delle Donne" by Piero Chiambretti, Moric confirmed his reconciliation with his ex-husband, following the release of the contractor's imprisonment and in particular through the presence of his son Carlos. Moric denies that she would turn to the sacred Rota to cancel the wedding with Fabrizio Corona, he denies: "I do not deny this position that I took at that moment and this vow that I made before the Lord". The Croatian then puts a stone on it:

What has happened has happened, but that does not mean that I should be condemned to no longer remarry. If one day he remarries, I will not do it in the Church

Moric is certainly aware that her ex-husband continues to make news especially for the character who distinguishes him: "I think it's his way of doing things to draw attention to himself, it's only slightly confusing." And he defends against the dreaded badumption in those hours, compared to the possibility that Corona will return to prison because of the televised dispute with Blasi: "I just want to say one thing: I do not think it's really like that, but at the same time, I think Fabrizio does not deserve it at all at the moment." And to reiterate the definitive reconciliation between them, he adds:

I would like to reiterate that I do not agree with what I said in another TV show, that he is not able to like it. Instead, here, now, I deny this thing because recently, after our love got a little lost, we found a meeting point that is Carlos, our son. After the last sentence, I saw Fabrizio 's ability to love his son: I saw a new person. And this unconditional love, I saw it also at Carlos's place with his father. Maybe he's not yet ready to love a woman. Now he is focused on love for his son.

Nina Moric downloads Casa Pound and attacks Matteo Salvini

Finally, a pbadage on his political ideas and connection with Casa Pound could not miss: "I've never been a party representative!" For a moment, I wanted to inform of this move that I found it quite fascinating, but given what Mr. Salvini does, I think Casapound is a hot milk compared to him ".

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