Inter, Nainggolan out, the Lautaro affair and … all the effects of Tottenham's message


Luciano Spalletti, 59 years old. epa

Luciano Spalletti, 59 years old. epa

In suitcases embarked at night by the incoming Inter team from London, there is no memory sought and expected: no prior qualification, each speech is postponed to December 11, the challenge at home with the Psv. It is however the case to evaluate what is in London luggage: in short, to evaluate the effects of the defeat against Tottenham.

In the suitcases, you will find bandages and mbadage cream: two players returning from England with an injury. If for De Vrij it is a simple fatigue, which will be settled with a bench during the trip to Rome (already already probable given the quasi-scientific rotations with Miranda), the Nainggolan affair is more difficult. Fallout on the injured left ankle in the derby, which would also have added muscle problems: that of the Ninja is another relapse, in a season that began with the injury to the right thigh. After this contrast with Biglia, he has already returned twice (the first in Barcelona), only to check that the problem was not solved and that he could not express himself at his level. This time, probably, Inter will go there with leaden feet.

Several "thoughts" have also been loaded into the plane. Returning to Italy after the European qualifying speech would have made it possible to think only of the championship match against Roma and Juventus. In these 180's, the Spalletti team can not only consolidate its champion position for next season, but also check if aspirations for anything more are legitimate. Now he will face them with the retro-thinking of the next race with the PSV, in the immediate most decisive. And the technician will also have to set rotations in that direction.

Excluding statements from the player's father, the one yesterday was another decisive race in which Lautaro watched the game. Perhaps they are starting to become too numerous for one of the biggest investments of the summer. Finding room for him and Keita (not just in the "minor" races) is a puzzle that the technician will have to face sooner or later.

But it's not all black: Wembley also confirmed that the Skriniar-De Vrij central duo could also block the most formidable attackers (Kane anesthetized, despite the hurricane's efforts), which Brozovic now recites. consistently in his role as midfielder. At the top, the distances with the best are there, but they are not impbadable. Then, before embarking on Nerazzurri cell phones, the images of Messi's goal at Psv will probably have disappeared. To know that Tottenham (less impressive than the dreaded) will have to beat one like that at home, to pbad, is comforting enough.

From our correspondent Valerio Clari @ValerioClari

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