Dl Security, Anpi: "Law that distorts the Constitution, now resistance". Salvini: "What a fear, the pacchus is unlimited"


"With the approval of the security decree, the facto is reversed constitution and Italy is entering into the nightmare of legal apartheid. "ANPI, a few hours from the last light for the desired supply by the Carroccio and on which the Lega-M5 Government has gained confidence, calls for "a unitary civil and cultural resistance". "You can not remain inert," is the message. Shortly after, the leader of the Northern League responded to them Matteo Salvini"The nostalgic of the red flags speak of" nightmare "and invoke the" civil resistance "", wrote on Twitter. "What a fear!" The nightmare was leftist governments, driven out by the Italians, now finally the order and respect come back. Pacchus is amazing!". In recent hours, the mayors of ANCI and a party of the opposition had opposed the new law. Also the Caritas joined the group Anpi: "The real risk is to increase the propensity to illegality". l & # 39; Association Land of men Instead, he went directly to the President of the Republic to ask him not to sign the decree: "Great concern for the condition of unaccompanied minors".

To revive the manifestation of today, it was the Anpi. "It's really amazing," says the text published by the National Partisan Association led by Carla Nespolo"What has happened is that such a hard blow for the right of asylum, for the reception, for the integration has been launched, to a model that brought wealth and civil cohabitation to the communities that had the responsibility and courage to experiment with it, and this law does not solve the problem of illegal immigration at all, it aggravates it – because they denounce at present a number of mayors, even M5s. – with a workload for unbearable municipalities". The reference is to the criticism ofANCINational Association of Italian Municipalities, after approval of the decree. "You can not remain inert", Concludes the text." We can not resign ourselves to this decline, to the ignoble practices against the life and dignity of the migrants we will have to witness – warns the Anpi – We appeal to the conscience of the Citizens and citizens: this indignation is permanent, we do not miss opportunity to fill places and streets for a truly human Italy. We appeal to democratic political forces: enough divisions, disgusting discussions, showdowns. The time has come for an extraordinary taking responsibility Anpi is and with it many badociations that continue in their daily work of social and constitutional stimulation. The humanity in power! Now. "

Words similar to those pronounced Caritas. "The real risk that the country runs now," wrote the director Don Soddu sure Christian family"Paradoxically increases the propensity for illegality, further weakening social cohesion for Italian families, while it will be more difficult for companies to find a legally young and motivated workforce. The most worrying prediction is certainly the abolition of so-called humanitarian protection. " The director of Caritas emphasized the negative effects of legislative intervention at the local level: "The most obvious consequence will be an increase in irregularity in the territories with consequences also in terms of security. To date, some 140,000 people who hold a residence permit for humanitarian reasons are at risk of falling into an irregular state of residence that puts them at risk of extreme poverty, marginalization and deviance. Another aspect that will have a significant impact on the territories is the reduction of the Sprar program ", the protection system for asylum seekers and refugees.

interminate the badociation Land of men instead, appealed to the President of the Republic not to sign the decree on security and "we can return to a parliamentary debate that still gives a hope of redemption to thousands of miners and young migrants, ensures the full protection of migrant children and avoids the risk of marginalization and psychophysical discomfort, which can lead to tragedy or withdrawal from the reception system and end up in the hands of criminal networks ". In particular, Terre des Hommes expressed its "deep concern" for the consequences of the security decree "on unaccompanied foreign minors, a particularly vulnerable category of migrants who are plunged into unacceptable legal and social uncertainty about health through the combination of the different provisions of the new law. "On the merits, they cited the Zampa Law 47/17:" It had just begun to promote a harmonization of the system of reception of unaccompanied foreign minors by providing " , did he declare. Federica Giannotta, responsible for Italy Projects Terre des Hommes, "measures to promote a rapid reception in places adapted to the age and needs of these young people, badistance and legal responsibility as well as care of health today undermined to nothing ". at Alessandra Ballerini, a lawyer and consultant of Terre des Hommes for the Faro project "to be deprived of humanitarian protection will leave without legal status thousands of asylum seekers, including unaccompanied minors who will end up in a state of" "Extreme vulnerability and insecurity", a prey so easy to exploit or at risk of participating in illegal activities. "Terre des Hommes has therefore concluded:" Humanitarian protection must be absolutely maintained, as long as it is safe. instrument of guarantee, legality and integration ".

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