A piece of asphalt comes off and pierces the windshield of a car: a wounded American woman


A new accident, this time without a victim but with a wounded woman, raises again the question of the safety of our highways: probably, following the pbadage of a heavy vehicle, a piece of concrete of 2.4 kilos he's detached from the road surface and he was thrown against the windshield of a car carrying two Americans. The woman, a 58-year-old musician who was in the pbadenger's seat, reported a trauma during the collision and was admitted to Ospedale Maggiore in Bologna, where she underwent maxillofacial surgery. The incident occurred shortly before Monday at 14 hours, while the rented car in Rimini, a Volkswagen Golf, was heading north on the A14 Bologna-Taranto, on the bridge spanning the Reno River, near the capital Emilia. far from the tanker burner point of last summer.

According to the reconstruction of the Polstrada based on the history of the two Americans, the pbadage of a Shooting that unfolded in front of the car could have resulted in the separation of a piece of cement from a joint , as reported in the local edition of Resto del Carlino: the block, perhaps because of the movement of the truck's wheels, would have been thrown against the vehicle, breaking the windshield on the right side.

The driver was unscathed, the worst was the woman, immediately rescued by the traffic police and the road police and admitted to the emergency department of Maggiore. Originally from New York, she would participate in a series of concerts in our country.

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