Residences for the elderly. Launch of the Rosa dei Venti yard in Ravenna. 13 million euros invested


The project, born from an idea of ​​the homonymous Consortium created in 2016 by the Consorzio Solco Ravenna and the social cooperative Il Cerchio, represents the bigger investment the cooperative movement territory in social sphere, estimated in more than 13 200 000 €.

"The mission of the Rosa dei Venti consortium is to provide a quality response to the needs of well-being and personal care in the city of Ravenna – says Antonio Buzzi, president of Consorzio Solco Ravenna -. With the "Rosa dei Venti", the concept of user / guest is outdated: it will be a place of common life for the elderly, a home that respects the privacy of each person but also the desire and need for community and interaction with their territory. In the center of the Rosa dei Venti is the person, with his daily life, his interests and desires, supported in a timely manner with the services that he needs ".

The need

Currently, the availability of retirement homes in the territory is lower than the actual needs. In addition, demographic forecasts in our region suggest a 72.56% increase in the elderly population by 2054 (ISTAT data). The Rosa dei Venti project was born from the badysis of this need.

Project Numbers

The new architectural complex, which will be indicative working by 2020, will make available 135 residential places (almost the 50% in single room nucleus for 18 people with Alzheimer's disease) and will be held on a surface of more than 15 thousand square meters, with an attache large green space and one large parking. The total investment for the construction and implementation of the structure of more than 13 million euros implies a commitment in equity equivalent to about 50% of the total (to which the cooperatives Solco, Cerchio, Gemos, Corif, Cmcf, Arco Lavori and the mutual funds of Confcooperative and Legacoop), the rest being the result of financial transactions with various banks.

L & # 39;professional impact amount planned in approximately 200 new jobs between social and health staff and ancillary services, in addition to the investments generated and supplies for the management of the structure.

"We are proud to point out that La Rosa dei Venti is a cooperative project in the unified territory – Buzzi points out -, an example of how the Alliance of Cooperatives of Ravenna is a de facto reality. Thanks to the commitment of the cooperative movement, it has been possible to finance an initiative with a strong social impact, without any public contribution and which, because of the limited return on fixed badets, has never been taken into account by traditional real estate operators. In fact, therefore, 93% of the capital invested in this transaction comes precisely from the cooperative world ".

The structure

The originality of the project also lies in its architectural form, a compbad rose, designed to meet the needs of people while ensuring the privacy of individual spaces, local personal care and sufficient space for socialization. residents, families and communities. The results are: an excellent relationship between interior spaces, green spaces and open spaces; broad and multiple commonplaces; plenty of natural light; high efficiency technological systems; use of alternative energies (photovoltaic); intensive use of home automation, aids and equipment for the comfort of people.

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