who are they and what do French emulators want?


Italy yellow vests: who are they and what do they want?

Last Saturday in Paris, clashes on the Champs-Elysees were raging, and even in Italy, the yellow vests appeared. An impact up to now more media than political. But who are the Italian emissaries of the French protesters?

First of all, they differ from the transalpine because instead of challenging it, they support the government. "Unlike the French yellow vest, we are absolutely close to the yellow-green government Salvini is the only one to have listened to us so far." Thus, he expressed himself Giancarlo Nardozzi, founder of Gilet Gialli Italia and president of Goia. Acronym of "independent organized group of homeless", the Goia is one of the leading representative badociations of street vendors in Italy.

Yellow vests from Italy: Italian coordination

There is also a Facebook page, the name National Coordination of Yellow Vests in Italy, with nearly 5000 tastes collected to date. The image is only a reflective vest on which the group claims are impressed. C & # 39; is to say, Flat tax of 15%, reduction of excise taxes on gasoline and toll costs, exclusion of street vendors and baths from Bolkenstein Directive.

The heavy taxation imposed on Italian small and medium-sized enterprises, which would be the highest of all in Europe, is underlined in many positions. Images summarizing the effect of taxation on the final price of gasoline appear here and there. Although, unlike what is happening in France, this does not seem to be the main theme of the claims.

The "program", especially the tax program, is actually reminiscent of the yellow-green government's proposals, especially the League. But be careful. There is also one of the founders of the Italian movement Ivan Della Valle. He is a former member of parliament from CinqueStelle in the scandal of false electoral reimbursements. History has led to his expulsion from the party.

Yellow vests Italy: with Salvini against Europe

Just on Bolkenstein Directive seems to be the beast of burden that Italian yellow vests want to use to attack. The attack against which, at least to read Facebook posts, seems to be their big opponent. That is to say the European Union. Slogans such as "Basta Europa", "Basta Austerità", "Basta Diktat", "Italexit" stand out in the latest image posted by the group.

Are we therefore faced with the possibility of a protest on the French model? That does not seem. As said, the movement supports the government and sees Matteo Salvini his representative and his bishop in the fight against Brussels. This, even if in a position, the executive is encouraged to do more on issues dear to coordination, all included in the famous government contract.

In addition, any reference to violent actions is strongly condemned by group leaders. In one message, it is stated that any event will be absolutely authorized and coordinated with the police headquarters. Moreover, there does not appear to be a general consensus, even by reading the interactions with publications, around practices such as roadblocks and resistance to police forces that have rather characterized transalpine mobilizations.

In any case, the next steps of coordination will be announced soon. On the construction site, a national badembly is convened, probably in Turin or Rome. But also the creation of a series of regional coordination. Nardozzi says it wants to bring down at least 20,000 people who protested in 2017 against the Gentiloni government in Rome. For the moment, however, Italian yellow vests only exist on the Internet.



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