"A card press" – Repubblica.it


MILAN – "There is no yellow" on the citizenship income. "For two weeks, I've been asking my staff to work with Post for everything, including for printing cards." The Minister of Economic Development has clarified this Luigi Di Maioafter the polemics of the last days. Interviewed yesterday at half past eight on La7, Deputy Minister Laura Castelli, had very briefly answered about the topic chosen for the printing of the map. Once the complete project is published, see who (press ed) and all the details, "he said last night. continue that we will tell you soon ".

A few hours earlier, Inps President Tito Boeri was declared out of the question. "We are not involved in any way, I have no news about it and we have no communication about it, it's not for us, I would ask myself about it. They asked us to do it. "

The case of the cards broke last Thursday when Di Maio, guest of Piazzapulita on the 7th, announced: "I have already sent a warrant to print the five or six million first electronic cards," he said. declared. "You will soon have all the settings."

As explained last week from Republic, the technical steps for printing "possible" cards are different. Most obvious: no activity can begin without a legal provision that determines who should do what and what title. To date, citizenship income is just a pool of resources in the budget bill in question, which has not yet been approved in the House. The provision is therefore lacking as such, which defines the scope of the intervention, the audience of the recipients, the amounts, the methods and finally also the subjects involved in the physical production of the cards, which obviously can not be printed. before. a measure enters by the law in force.

"New objective for Alitalia without public money"

Today, Di Maio has also returned to the Alitalia issue. "Our goal is to create a new company that is not meant to survive but allows the revival of Alitalia, which has been mismanaged so far but which, if managed from the market point of view , can do great things, "he explained. aerial "has been an ATM for too many years", but "at present, the goal is not to abandon a business that without paying other sums to the Italians and with a market operation, can serve the country "tourism development.

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