Which panettone to choose at the supermarket?


For once, we put aside the panettone handmade and talk about the industrial version, by far the most purchased.

As we have already said, the prices of the industrial panettone are not fixed, but are modulated at will by the supermarkets. The logic, therefore, asks: apart from the higher or lower price, how can I know which is the best panettone?

[Sicuri di sapere le differenze tra panettone artigibade e industriale?]

To make the choice easier, he thought of Choosing.

Meticulous and credible, the site of reviews comparing products in the same category has released the results of a panettone test, both branded and boxed, with supermarket brands. What usually costs less but – it's the discovery of hot water – is produced in the same factories of big companies such as Bauli, Maina, Paluani or Balocco. Of course, packaging changes, simpler and more basic, marketing do not exist, but panettoni (and pandoro) are the same.

Selection criteria

What criteria did the QualiChoose experts judge?

The usual ones, the good ones, in short. Therefore:

– quantity and dimensions of raisins and candied fruit;
– level of the dough;
– crust level;
– level of ingredients;
– the taste;
– packaging.


However, the judgment is "sufficient", but the black jersey of the clbadification belongs to panettones Motta, Favorina (Lidl) and Carrefour (Balocco production).

The reasons are, for Motta (€ 3.89), a golden rind but which, in some places, does not remain attached to the dough, a sign of an imperfect leaven.

[Panettone da supermercato: prova d’badaggio]

For Favorina (€ 3.29), which also indicates the use of eggs from farms on the ground, the problem is the cup, it is the protective paper that sticks to the paste despite attempts to take off.

Finally, Carrefour (€ 3.29) likes the abundance of raisins in the dough, a little less air bubbles present in the cavity.

A notch above, in third place, judged "good" by QualeScegliere, here are the products of the brand Conad (manufactured in Paluani factories), Maina and Bauli.

Conad (€ 3.99) impresses with the level of ingredients but in the cells, small holes characteristic of the dough, we can notice several air bubbles.

On the contrary, Maina (€ 2.90) stands out for the beautiful network of alveoli but the package forget it to indicate the percentages of use of the ingredients.

Bauli (€ 6.99) finally has a correct cell but the cover is almond. Benintesi, that's not a problem in itself, but the purists of the original panettone recipe could turn a blind eye.

With a good surprise effect, in second place on the list, with the honorable judgment of "very good" figure, the Panettone Coop (4.99 €), produced by Maina, thanks to candies, oxen and well distributed, and crust free from defects.

The panettone Tre Marie (10.99 €), considered "excellent", has the habit of wagering in this type of clbadification, especially in that of Dissapore.

[Panettone premium: prova d’badaggio]

Candied fruits, among which cedar is distinguished, more expensive and often absent from products in this category, are large and frequent, formally impeccable skin, without burns and well attached. The low form compared to the traditional leavened product is the only defect identified by QualiCegliere.

[Crediti QualeScegliere]

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