The central offices of Deutsche Bank have been searched


The offices of Deutsche Bank headquarters in Frankfurt have been searched for an investigation into allegations of money laundering. The suspects are two employees who, according to investigators, would help clients recycle money from criminal operations. The investigation began with some documents contained in the "Panama Papers", released by an international journalistic investigation in 2016 and containing thousands of information on financial transactions in tax havens. At the center of the investigation is a division of Deutsche Bank in the Virgin Islands, which, according to investigators in 2016, handled 900 clients and 311 million euros.

Es ist richtig, dbad die Polizei aktuell and Verschiedenen Standorten unserer Bank in Deutschland ermittelt. See all Artworks Sachverhalt mit Bezug auf Panama Papers. Wir werden mit den Behörden vollumfbadend kooperieren.

– Deutsche Bank (@DeutscheBankAG) November 29, 2018

In addition to the central offices, the 170 agents involved in the operation also searched offices in Eschborn and Gross-Umstadt, a suburb of Frankfurt. Deutsche Bank is the largest German bank. after the announcement of the search, his shares fell by 3%. Deutsche Bank has been involved in recent weeks in the scandal of the Estonian division of Danske Bank. Even in this case, we are talking about billions of euros laundered money: in some operations, according to investigations, Deutsche Bank was also involved, which explains why it had interrupted its relations with the Danish bank in 2015 after detecting suspicious activity.

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