Fi & # 39; expands & # 39; and change of symbol





Fi & # 39; expands & # 39; and change of symbol

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Posted: 29/11/2018 18:30

To Europeans there will be the list of the other Italy. In view of the May vote, Forza Italia will have a new look and "will expand"It will open up to civil society, other moderate political forces and EPP-related organizations to represent the entire electoral spectrum that lies between the Lega Salviniana and the Democratic Party. Antonio Tajani explains to Adnkronos the future political strategy of the blue party, which he is studying with Silvio Berlusconi. Imagine a federation or list of "moderates"? "The list – ensures number two – is the list of the other Italy, as we are here in Fi and other alternative forces to the yellow green government".

Meanwhile, on December 7 at 3:30 pm, at the Ergife Hotel in Rome, Forza Italia will hold a convention to present its "counter-movement" and invite the government to rewrite the current one. President Berlusconi will speak. The announce to Adnkronos was the vice president of the Tajani party. "Contromanovra, we are waiting for you," reads the virtual "flyer" broadcast on social networks.

"After the Europeans we will have another government"Fi's Vice President is convinced that he's inspiring" new internal contradictions "from M5S and Lega on the case of the Global Compact, to predict a crisis before the summer." Government like this – warns Tajani – does not exist in any country in the world. It's the nth contrast between the M5S and the league. A government can not last long, so we were right. unnatural and destined to last very little, they are already separated at home … After the Europeans, we will have another government ".

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