Maneuver, the EU is accelerating the sanctions. Sherpas condemn Italy


The government opens its doors to negotiation e Europe seems to appreciate, but it does not intend to take steps back. Indeed. The infringement procedure against Italy has already begun and the EU is speeding up. the Economic and Financial CommitteeIn fact, he was in favor of such a step forward towards the excessive deficit procedure due to the breach of the debt rule vis-à-vis Italy.

According to what we learn a Brussels EU sources, the body consisting of representatives of the Treasury of the 28 EU governments that prepares the Ecofin meetings, approved in the evening an opinion similar to that expressed by the Commission on the budget maneuver presented by the government. The committee adopted the report on Italy on the basis of Article 126 (4) of the Treaty, which allows the Commission to formally initiate the procedure.

In vain (for the moment), the badurances of Palazzo Chigi arrived and the two vice-premieres were served. Conte and Di Maio were the first to be moved after the rejection of the maneuver. Salvini it took a little longer but ended up giving way to dialogue. "It is not written in the Ten Commandments of the Bible that we must make 2.4%" of the deficit / GDP ratio, says the head of the league this evening in Porta a Porta. "The technicians are at work – he added – they will tell us that out of 100, there is one, two, three billion more, it means that we will invest in investments."

Salvini is therefore convinced that "with theEurope we will find the agreement "." For us – that is the reasoning presented to Bruno Vespa – do not have any interest in arguing and I think that even Brussels is not going to send the commissioners. "Some posts but there will be: two days ago, the Minister of the Interior He had clearly indicated that" we will not make new document. "At most, they will change some figures, but, let's make sure We, the quota 100 and Fornero reform will start in February and, according to Di Maio, the calendar of citizenship income will not change either.

I wonder if soften the tones with theEU polls that give 63% of Italians in favor of negotiations with the EU were also used. Not on the other side of the barricade, they are not ready to fight. "Enough ads, now facts," said the commission after the government's opening.

The table is there. The guests too. It is necessary to understand if they will really reach an agreement or if they will give up everything before dessert.

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