Highways, inspection of MIT technicians on 3 decks: "A closed application A16 closed". Toninelli: "So we avoid tragedies"


a "Fast" closure from a bridge over the A16 Napoli-Canosa and the "suggestion" of traffic limitation sure Viaduct of Moro along the A14, in the province of Chietifor the "Advanced degradation". This is the result of the inspections organized by the Ministry of Infrastructure after a woman's injury caused by the detachment of a piece of concrete from a highway bridge Bologna-Taranto. "In addition to the urgency, there is the prevention ", explains Danilo Toninelli announcing the result of the work done by theTerritorial Inspection Office Rome during controls on 3 bridges in sections managed by Autostrade for Italy.

On the Moro Viaduct, in the province of Chieti, so always along the A14 Bologna-Taranto, MIT inspectors "detected an advanced state of degradation" and for this reason, the Ministry "suggested to the operator to take measures to security citizens, including the possibility of limit traffic ", even if Autostrade – reports Toninelli in a long post on Facebook – replied that "security is guaranteed" but "nevertheless provided global audit, asked by us, mid February ".

The concessionaire was also challenged to "deterioration conditions in which the Paolillo Bridge, on the A16 Napoli-Canosa ", on which Aspi explained to the ministry" to have in progress the design necessary interventions "and to have already "Emergency route prohibited". But the Mit inspectors, however, still explains Toninelli, "have not considered sufficient the measures taken, they have revoked the order with which the emergency lane was closed and asked the dealer for theprohibition anyway to traffic on the bridge ".

The third audit concerns the Sarno Viaduct sure A30 Caserta-Salerno, which "is not as bad as the other two – adds Toninelli – but remains worried". This bridge is also managed by Autostrade per ltalia, to whom "rapid interventions have been requested Evaluation and of interview work in anticipation of the overall verification due by the manager in the usual deadlines of mid-February. "Toninelli argues that on the three bridges, Autostrade will" monitor the deformation of structures with definition of alert thresholds ", as we talk about "sick" infrastructure who "need constant checks". Concludes the minister in office, "these are just some of the actions" that "we put in place for safety" because "prevention avoids tragedies and it also saves a lot of money. "

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