The little Alex arrived in Rome, the transplant to the baby Jesus it will be done in mid-December


The little Alessandro Maria Montresor arrived in Italy from London with a flight London-Ciampino with medical badistance on board. He arrived at the baby Jesus at 1 o'clock2.30 pm: The trip from Ciampino to the pediatric hospital was carried out in an ambulance of the Red Cross and with the operational core of the Logistic Protection of the Civil Transplantation. theeg, 18 months, has a serious genetic pathology, was admitted to Great Ormond Street Hospital in London. Until now, the search for a donor totally compatible with the child has not succeeded. In the Child, Jesus will be subjected to an innovative transplant technique: a parent's bone marrow transplant with a method of stem cell manipulation. the little one will be followed by Franco Locatelli's team. The transplant will be done in mid-December. The hospital explains that from now on and in the coming days, the child will undergo a series of blood tests (mainly microbiological tests) and instrumental tests, necessary before proceeding with the transplant. At the same time, the parents of the child will be screened to badess their eligibility for hematopoietic stem cell donation. The set of screening procedures and the administration of the preparatory therapies require technical times. The hematopoietic stem cell transplant of parents will therefore "probably" – specify the doctors – in mid-December 2018 ".
As in all cases of transplantation, explains the hospital Bambino Gesù, "even the treatment of the hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis (HLH) presents risks.In more detail, it is at risk of infection (during the preparatory phase , the patient's immune defenses are substantially neutralized, then slowly restored after transplantation), toxic (related to transplantation treatment) and immunological ". Through the voice of the little patient's father, also underlines the Infant Jesus, "the family thanks all those who wished to support the campaign for bone marrow donation and invites, from today, a period of tranquility to live these days, difficult with the greatest possible serenity and to allow the doctors to do their work ".

Alex, the last voluntary renunciation: the marrow donor will be the father

The story of Alex – who lives in London with Italian parents – has aroused in recent months a solidarity game on the Internet: on Facebook, mom and dad have launched a call to find a suitable donor for transplantation . In a few weeks, the network has mobilized and hundreds of people, from north to south of Italy, have undergone a blood test to check their compatibility. They have also been registered in the Italian registry of bone marrow donors. In reality, the search for a compatible donor for Alex is already included in the wider network of international registries, which have about 30 million subscribers. To date, however, no compatible donors have been found.

In recent days, another non-Italian compatible donor has been identified, but he has postponed the availability of transplants until mid-January. But Alex's situation does not allow for such a long delay: the child is actually subjected to therapy with an experimental drug and, even if his life is not threatened in a very short time, its effectiveness tends to decrease with time. Hence the need to get grafted as soon as possible. This is why parents have decided to accept the availability, already declared in recent months by the Holy See hospital, to look after the child. Al Bambino Gesù, at the forefront of this type of treatment, Alex will be subjected to an innovative transplant technique for which the Roman hospital is one of the first in the world: 150 children have already been grafted with this method, of whom about fifty with primitive immunodeficiency and six with the same Alexander disease, hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis. The percentage of definitive cure in children with primary immunodeficiency is 85%. The family:

"Now, let's get back to hope." Last updated: 16:59 © RESERVED COPY

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