with the new compact SUV, sales in Europe could double


Alfa Romeo presumably, the production of a new compact SUV in Fiat Chrysler Automobiles factory in Pomigliano will begin in 2020. This is without a doubt the news of the day regarding the car manufacturer of Biscione. This model will be the next big news to reach the range of the Milan brand after the segment of the sedans D Giulia and Suv Stelvio. The model in question could play an important role in the revival of the historic Milan brand, particularly as regards Europe. We know that C-segment SUVs have the largest market in the old continent.

The new Alfa Romeo compact SUV could be a sensation in Europe

It means that the future Alfa Romeo C-Suv, whose name we do not know for the moment, could considerably increase the recordings of the car manufacturer of Biscione in Europe. These in 2018 should be about 90 thousand for our continent. Due to the decline recorded in recent months in fact the goal of 100 thousand registrations he will not be reached.

It's easy to badume that when the new compact SUV sales of Biscione will be able to burst impressively. You can even make the badumption of a doubling of records compared to current records and consider that in the meantime, the arrival of hybrid versions of Stelvio and Giulia should greatly help to achieve this goal.

This model could therefore represent a sort of springboard towards the goal that Biscione has set for 2022, namely to reach 400,000 records worldwide over the course of a year. We'll see if this will really go for the Milan automaker's Fiat Chrysler Automobiles.

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