Colonna high school forced to interrupt classes


If in Rome the movement of the professions in schools, it was marked by a flurry of protests, which lasted, in some cases, even just a few hours, high school Colonna is the most obvious manifestation of this phenomenon. In fact, a group of students occupied the Campo de Fiori school on Monday after planning the blitz for several days. Too bad the vast majority of boys are against this form of extreme protest. Not only that. Day after day, the number of occupants decreased, falling to 20 rare units. Calls launched on social networks recently joined the event. Even the shots of spinels and stacked stands did not convince other young people under the age of 19 to walk out of school (though some from outside visited the occupants). The courses, meanwhile, will remain suspended even tomorrow Friday 30, day when students have promised to release, in any case, the school.

In the meantime, the director had also appealed to the parents of the occupants: "At the end of the lessons that our students / children have expressed, in protest, the challenge of the school policies adopted by the government." that the occupation is a form of illegal protest, the Institute asks you, as parents subscribed to the co-responsibility pact and responsible for the minors (obligations of supervision towards the minors, repair of the damages caused by them or caused by them, etc. .), to collaborate actively so that the rights of all (studies, education, public service, etc.) and the restoration of legality and democracy are respected in the Institute ".

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Last updated: 30 November 00:28 © RESERVED COPY

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