From paladin No Tav and steward at stadium, to sottosegretaria. All the gaffes of Laura Castelli


"Mortgage rates do not depend on the spread." "Citizenship income cards, who prints them? Uh … (stuttering without knowing what to say, ed) "What would I vote for in a referendum on the exit of the euro? We do not say why we vote". Ambiguous statements about the use of castor oil. A blunder after another, between the television and the camera, caused above all by a school program not up to the role played in the government "gialloverde". Laura Castelli, 32, now Undersecretary of the Economy, holds a degree in Accounting and a three year Diploma in Business Administration. Work experience? A few months in a tax badistance center, in addition to the Sundays spent as stewards at the Turin stadium (the same as Luigi Di Maio in San Paolo di Napoli).

From No Tav to Government

His political commitment, before landing in the M5S, begins on the far left, in the front line against the Turin-Lyon High Speed ​​and alongside the No Tav movement. In 2013, he finds himself almost by accident elected to the House, where reconfirmed to the 2018 policy. It's time for the big jump on a prestigious chair of the Conté government. So, after missing the presidency of the Minister of Infrastructure (Bruno Vespa de Porta a Porta said: "You envision an infrastructure, it would be like putting Dracula to the bar of Opinion"), the Castelli's Is found catapulted by a protest (extreme, No Tav) at the helm of one of the most delicate seats of the government. Before landing, one of the most memorable gaffes was the one in which, before an audience of chartered accountants, he had involuntarily confessed that he had improperly practiced this trade. Then, it's a crescendo, to arrive at the last two sheets: the attempt of saving lesson to the professor Pier Carlo Padoan "on a gap which does not affect the rate of the mortgages". Finally, in chronological order, the perplexity of Lilli Gruber and the director of Il Giornale Alessandro Sallusti on La7 in front of the infancy of the under-secretary who did not know how to answer the question on the cards to obtain the income of the citizenship, whose Luigi Di Maio's press had announced 5 to 6 million copies, but has in fact never started.

29 November 2018 (Amendment 29 November 2018 | 17:48)


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