Antonio Di Maio: "Luigi attacked with ferocity. The responsibility for mistakes is mine


Antonio Di Maio, father of the Deputy Prime Minister and political leader of the Five Stars, said: "My responsibilities can not fall on my children", after the controversy over black workers in the family business and the seizure of some badets on their properties.

You put your son in trouble. Do you feel like Renzi's father?
"The two events are totally different."

She says it
"My son, rightly, got away from the mistakes I made, immediately ensured maximum transparency by presenting all the cards." He did not avoid the questions, he said. 39 did nothing to favor or hide the facts and he did well, I know him, he is my son, he could not have behaved otherwise because he is an honest person. "

In any case, this case will hurt his son. Some have asked for his resignation.
"As you can imagine, that's the thing I'm most sorry for – they attacked Luigi with disproportionate ferocity, they try to hit him, but he does not have the slightest fault. He was not aware of anything, my responsibilities can not fall on my children, on the way back you can not, but if I could rewind the tape so as not to repeat the mistakes of the past. not possible so I can only say that I am sorry.

He said in recent days that you have not spoken for years. Are you sorry to have highlighted this private aspect?
"I am rather sorry that there have been misunderstandings in the past and that, fortunately, we have overcome time. I think it can happen between a father and a son. "

In the cards, she admits to having paid some black workers. Could she never have talked about it in the family?
"Yes, and I'm sorry.As a father, I've always tried to protect my family.I was facing difficult times without talking to my family because I did not want to worry about them. I'm ready to answer for my mistakes, but you have to leave my family alone, my children have nothing to do with it, when mistakes are made, they hide from their children, fearing to lose their self-esteem. I wanted my kids to be proud of their father, and now I do not know if that's the case and it's the thing that hurts me the most. "

Why did your wife decide to play the role of corporate director? Is it true that as a teacher and employee published by law, he could not hold this position?
"We've discovered it in the last few years, so we're ready to sell it, we've always told our kids that everything is in order."

Why are there missing summer contracts in the documents provided by your child?
"Luigi worked regularly for the family business from February to May 2008; in the summer, he sometimes accompanied me to the building site. "

Yes, but he used different tones. And among the extravagant aspects, there is also the fact that on its ground there is also a football field where the chicks of the local team are trained …
"The football field does not belong to me, but it is adjacent to the territory of Mariglianella, my property and my sister, which is used by those who manage the football field under the terms of the law. a verbal loan agreement so that children can play ".

Because he pulled his son in the middle of this case by naming him partner while he was already in politics?
"I was very keen on this activity, it always had an emotional value for me, I wanted to leave something to my children, and then Rosalba studied to become an architect." Luigi has never run this business, he's not the only one. was a partner ".

What was Luigi's worker?
"Serio has always worked with dedication and commitment."


November 30, 2018 (change November 30, 2018 | 07:11)


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