"I now see the English championship, because in Italy, Juventus still wins, because they have occupied all the possible Var, it's something from the other world." All the Vars are theirs … they act in an annoying way. " These words, published a few days ago by the director of Raidue Carlo Freccero, have generated a lot of controversy, irritating the supporters of Juventus. Yesterday, the same Freccero, live on Raidueclarified the meaning of these statements. Tuttojuve.com he wrote his speech: "First of all, I will tell you two things: my Savona salesman calls me today, where I go sometimes, juventinissimo, he is a football coach for boys and he always has me. given "I will not sell the newspapers anymore" "I told him, why?" He replied, "I'm really offended by this insult." I told him: listen, I'm still joking, you know, I'm t & # I also gave the panettone of the Juventus at Christmas, think a bit "What is the name of the newsagent?" Alessio, but Alessio is really terrible, second thing: seeing on the net, I discovered a terrifying thing: there are 7-8 Juventus Juventus (maybe he meant "millions", ed), a lot It shows that the strength of Juventus is not the team, but the number of fans that they said to me, "Director, you have completely astonished me, because yesterday I said this thing, my son has suffered a lot." give yourself a settlement, here is a I am a little joke, I am the son of Appello del Mar tedi, with Maurizio Mosca, whom I fondly remember. Of course we had fun. Football is the only moment of conviviality. So I'm sorry for Juventus. I am inclined, but I must say that the penalty against Sampdoria was not there, I entrust it. "I'm sorry, but I confirm that there was no penalty (laughs, ed)".
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