Borsa Italiana: banks lower the FTSEMib. The comment of the day (March 22, 2019)


Credit Suisse is still cautious about the sector as low interest rates will continue to weigh on the institutions' income. Enel is also in the red

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Piazza Affari and the main European stock markets they definitely turn in negative territory. Projectors always on Brexit. Analysts of Intesa Sanpaolo reported that the European Council had offered the UK an extension of the trading period until May 22 in case of approval of the agreement and up to 39 to 12 April in case of rejection. "From here to this date, the government and parliament will have to choose between the approval of the agreement, the exit without agreement, the prolonged extension or the revocation of Article 50", the experts said.

At 10:20 FTSEMib down 1.03% to 21.153 points, while the FTSE Italia Share all lost 1%. In red also FTSE Italia Mid Cap (-0,89%) and for the FTSE Italia Star (-0.54%).

L & # 39;euro he slipped to $ 1.13.

the spread between BTP and Bunds at ten years, it reaches 245 points.

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market sharesBank sales. Credit Suisse is still cautious about the sector as low interest rates will continue to weigh on the institutions' income.

Intesa Sanpaolo is down 2.62% to 2.157 euros. Credit Suisse badysts took over the coverage of the institution headed by Carlo Messina with a target price of 1.8 euro and an "Underperform" rating (which would make it worse than the market). The same investment bank evaluates Unicredit (-2.85% to 11.58 euros) 13.3 euros (rating "Neutral").

Enel becomes red and loses 0.25% to 5.566 euros. The power giant closed the year 2018 with a turnover of 75.67 billion euros, up 1.4% from 74.64 billion euros. Euros the previous year. Net profit rose sharply from 3.78 billion euros to 4.79 billion euros (+ 26.7%). At the end of 2018, net financial debt amounted to 37.41 billion euros at the start of the year, up 9.8% to 41.09 billion euros, due to acquisitions made at the end of the year. during the period. On the basis of these accounts, Enel has confirmed its financial objectives for 2019. The electricity giant aims to close the current year with an ordinary EBITDA of 17.4 billion euros and an ordinary net profit of approximately 4.8 billion. The minimum dividend per share will be 0.32 euro.

Telecom Italia TIM recorded a minimum drop of 0.26% to 0.52896 euro. MF provided an update on the phone company's situation exactly one week after the shareholders' meeting, called to rule on the revocation and appointment of five advisers, as well as to approve the budget 2018. The financial newspaper reported that Vivendi and Elliott – the two shareholders of the telephone company who were the protagonists in these days of hard battle – could find a compromise, each one defining seven advisers. The fifteenth councilor, who will also play the pivotal role of the presidency, would remain in abeyance.

Salini Impregilo sells 1.22% to 1.951 euros. The agency S & P Global has lowered the rating of the long-term debt of the construction company, changing it from "BB" to "BB-"; the judgment confirms the company among the speculative issuers. The judgment was put in "monitoring of the negative rating"; further deterioration over the coming quarters on Astaldi's buying potential is not ruled out.

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