After directing Radio Padania, the biography of Matteo Salvini entitled "Salvini & Salvini, Il Matteo Pensiero from A to Z" (2015), the work of Paolo Del Debbio's envoy in Mediaset, for Roberto Poletti, the doors of the Rai open widely, where this will lead One morning in summer. A case that has obviously sparked political controversy.
"In the silence of the President of the Fico Chamber, the Vice-President of the Supervisory Commission Primo Di Nicola, Senators M5 Alberto Airola and Gianluigi Paragone, the Rai would have hired Salvini's biographer and former director of Radio Padania, Roberto Poletti , to deliver it carry a container of information such as "Uno Mattina", turned into "Uno Salvini" at the expense of all taxpayers. "The Democratic Party deputy and secretary of the supervisory commission of Rai l ' written on Facebook. Michele Anzaldi.
"An badumption that falls – continues Anzaldi – in a embarrbading lot of exteriors, between authors and business owners hired to lead and manage Rai's major summer issues. How does the Court of Auditors, which has its own representative who participates in the meetings of the Board of Directors of RAI, not intervene? How does the accounting magistrature say nothing, given the news anticipated by Dagospia? Not only is it ashamed to hold public service information with obviously biased journalists, but also the obvious loss of revenue from the use of expensive external contracts when Rai can count on 1,700 employed journalists, in addition to employees ".
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