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On study days, the number of espresso cups can become out of control. Can caffeine combined with anxiety before the exam hurt us?
Sometimes we do not even notice it and at the end of a day of study we look around and we end up surrounded by empty coffee cups. Two, three, four, even five? The espresso gives us the load, helps us keep our eyes open and, most importantly, supports us when we have to engage in intense study sessions, such as those preceding the final exams. They know something boys which are preparation the first, second and third test.
The expert's advice in the video interview
But if we consider the complete picture and in these pre-exam days he was also invaded by a bit of anxietyhow much coffee you can drink without risking being sick? We asked him to Giampaolo Perna, professor of psychiatry at Humanitas University and head of the Center for Anxiety and Panic Disorders of Humanitas San Pio X. The expert lays the foundations: a lot depends on how each of us is used to. To listen to all the advice, look at the video interview.
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Coffee does not hurt the heart
In the meantime, the reinsurance they also come from science. Although the European Society of Cardiology declared in 2001 that a single cup of coffee could have artery damage, by increasing the maximum pressure leading to systolic hypertensionnow they are numerous studies that erased coffee. One of the latest comes from Queen Mary University in London: English researchers have shown that not even the so-called coffeeholic, that is to say the coffee addicts, have a higher risk of having rigid arteries compared to those who drink less than one coffee a day. If you want to know all the advantages the coffee, read this article.
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