Dl Sicurezza bis, chaos in the commission. "Romano (Pd) told Businarolo (5 years old) that he could not preside because he was pregnant"


Chaos during work on dl security bis in mixed commission, Constitutional Affairs and justice in the room. What is reported in theAdnkronos from parliamentary sources, and written on Twitter by the MP Fi Fi Annagrazia Calabria, Andrea Romano the Pd would have appealed to the chairman of the commission of justice, Francesca Businarolotelling her that she could not preside why pregnant.

The words – which would have been uttered during attempts to obstructionism the dem for the refusal of Matteo Salvini report to Parliament oncase Russia – prompted the reaction of the deputies and even the President of Constitutional Affairs, Giuseppe Bresciawho defined "Wrong" which happened and invited all groups to stigmatize. The episode is strongly denied by the deputy of the Democratic Party of Livorno: "I said that Businarolo chaired badly without giving the Democratic Party the word space. And I confirm it.

Instead, the charges were dismissed: according to Roman versionwhen Brescia "made me notice that she's pregnant, I replied that it did not apply". "There is an attempt by Brescia to make me say what I did not say or, as a father of four, I would never have thought – add the MP Pd – I write him a letter as well as in Businarolo Brescia excuses for trying to ridicule a legitimate protest democratic ".

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