a 41 year old is in serious condition


A violent traffic accident – a frontal collision – occurred along the national highway 115, between Siculiana and Montallegro. Two cars involved – a Lancia Y and a Fiat Cinquecento – and three people were seriously injured. The helicopter ambulance of 118 brought one of the wounded – the forty one: NM who is perhaps from Ribera – to the emergency room of the hospital "Sant & # 39; Elia "in Caltanissetta. The other two – with ambulances – have already been transferred to the hospital "San Giovanni di Dio" of Agrigento

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Immediately after the shock, the Fiat Cinquecento would have remained in balance. The risk, more than concrete, was that it falls off the viaduct. The firefighters of the provincial command of Agrigento and the carabinieri of the Siculiana station have tried to do as quickly as possible to save the wounded and also to put the Fiat Cinquecento in safety.

Traffic on Highway 115 "Southwest Sicula" is temporarily blocked, in the territory of Siculiana, at km 164,500.

The child of forty-one years arrived at the hospital "Sant" Elia "of Caltanissetta and underwent all the necessary medical checks. He is in serious condition. In the traffic accident, he reported a very serious chest injury, a head injury and a broken leg.

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