A 5 meter white shark was sighted in the Mediterranean


A white shark 5 meters long was observed in the western Mediterranean. To unveil it, a scientific expedition named Alnitaka posted, on his Facebook profile, photos of a huge carcarodon (scientific name of the white shark) taken Thursday.

The shark was seen near Cabrera, a small Balearic island near Majorca, which also includes Ibiza and Formentera, notorious seaside resorts, frequented at that time by thousands of tourists, even Italians.

But where exactly was the white shark seen? On Thursday, June 28 at 10 am, biologists Riccardo Sagarminaga Van Buiten and Fernando Lopez-Guardoni photographed and filmed the presence of a white shark 5 meters long at 8 miles from the island of Cabrera, at two steps from the big island of Mallorca. waters near the national park. The observation continued for 70 minutes

An extraordinary event considering that for 30 years no official observations had been made and that, until now, the observations had always been without photographic or video documentation and thus on the verge of popular legend or rumor.

Carcharodon carcharias, or white shark or shark, is a condroitto fish of the Lamnidi family, which lives in the oceans of our planet. His observations in the Mediterranean are very rare.

  • Scientific name: Carcharodon carcharias
  • Weight: 680 – 1,100 kg (Adult)
  • Maximum speed: 56 km / h
  • Risk of extinction: Vulnerable
  • Taxonomic category: Species
  • Length: Female: 4.5 – 6.4 m (Adult), Male: 3.5 – 4 m (Adult)

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