A blow to the May government: Brexit Minister David Davis resigns


Theresa May's Conservative Government Strikes Hard: Brexit Minister David Davis, a key member of the team, announced tonight his resignation in the controversy with the turning point towards more flexible negotiations with the government. EU announced by Prime Minister
Davis, principal representative of the current Eurosceptic conservative party, decided after a few days of reflection that he could accept the new more conciliatory strategy towards Brussels that May had imposed on the Council of Ministers last Friday only

The resignation of the Minister, pending the formalization of Downing Street and the appointment of a replacement, was confirmed by the BBC and by all UK media. Davis, 69, who until now was responsible for the UK government's divorce negotiations with the EU, signed Friday – along with all the other ministers – the compromise proposed by Theresa May to try to unblock the negotiations with Brussels: an untimely compromise for the "brexiter" "Ultr of his own party, considered by some as a betrayal of the result of the referendum of 2016 and marked by an opening on the hypothesis of the creation of a free trade area after Brexit – with common rules – at least for goods and for agriculture, as well as the definition of new customs arrangements with the EU.

Concessions interpreted by several deputies of the hawkish current as a breakdown, but on which initially the Prime Minister seemed to have put together a fragile but unanimous in the toilets, now broken by Davis. The departure of the Minister for Brexit is likely to be the beginning of a domino effect (the first to follow could be the holder of Foreign Affairs, Boris Johnson) capable of breaking the executive, the majority and the compactness of the Conservative Party. With so much imminent scenario of early elections.

And the reactions were not long in coming. From the "Brexiters" front, applauds Davis' "courageous and principled" gesture, which arrives in front of the beating of MPs like Peter Bone, Andrea Jenkyns and Harry Smith, while many observers see the Conservative leadership as an imminent challenge from May. From that of Labor's Jeremy Corbyn opposition – indicated in the fast lane in case of a return to the polls of a latest poll released yesterday – we openly examine this point at the end of a possible new vote in a few months. The Conservative Party is now in chaos, commented among others the President of the National Labor Council, Ian Lavery
And there is also no one who raises at the end of the process the scenario of a referendum on Brexit.

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