A branch falls on the picnic tables in Belfiore: four people injured, including a serious – Chronicle


MANTUA. Large as a plant, the branch fell twenty meters high to break the first Sunday of July of nine friends and twenty people, in the green of Belfiore: four wounded, the most serious was transported by helicopter to the Hospital Borgo Trento in Verona with injuries to the head, chest and legs. Elisa Nobis is 48 years old and lives in Rodigo: in Belfiore, she went to celebrate the birthday of a friend. It must have been a light Sunday, of leisure, derailed in a nightmare. Twenty meters long, the branch broke the table for the party in two, with the cloth tablecloth and the plastic dishes. The branch broke the joy and overwhelmed Elisa Nobis, crushing her to the ground. Silence fell on Belfiore


The clock marks the 15:30 of a sunny afternoon, in the picnic area it's fine, the branches and leaves of poplars and tbadodi (bald cypresses)) make sure a nice shade. Lunch is over but no one is in a hurry to get up from the five tables, occupied by as many groups of unrelated people as in the restaurant. There are families and friends, many children. In Belfiore Kamal brought parents from Morocco, with them there is also his wife, the son of two years and Mohamed . The same friend with whom this damn June 2016 Kamal was in Due Pini, by car, in the parking lot where, ten minutes later, Pavlina Harapi died, crushed by a poplar tree. When we say "destiny"

  palace belfiore

Inspection by Palazzi who then goes to the hospital wounded: "In three years for trees we have invested more than a million" [19659006TheydonotknoweachotherthefivegroupsofpeoplebutareconnectedbythesameclimateofcelebrationandjoyEverythingisfineuntiltherainsbegintocrackmoreandmoreinsistent-"itseemedliketheearthquake"Kamalwillsay-someamongthetablesunderstandswhatwillhappenandlazy:"Goingoin"TheescapeescapesbutElisaNobisandthreeotherfriendsdonothavetimetotakecover


After securing his son, badisted by Mohamed, Kamal runs to help the wounded: two manage to free them from the grip of the branch, in front of the Nobis stops. The woman has a leg that turns in an unnatural position and loses the blood of her head, better not to touch her. A few minutes and the silence is interrupted by the first mermaids: with the ambulances 118, in Belfiore come the firemen and the local police. An eliambulanza takes off from Verona on the lawn.

The Nobis is released with all the care of the case, the 118 doctors do an ultrasound immediately to prevent internal bleeding, then are placed on the helicopter and transferred to the Borgo Hospital Trento. The other three wounded will receive medication at Poma: one has a head and head trauma, for others only bruises.

The Mayor

Among the faces of the people who follow the relief operations we can guess that of the councilor Murari: he pbaded by Belfiore by chance, he was running on the bike path. He is shaking, he can not believe that it is a tree. The mayor Mattia Palazzi, who accompanies the technicians of Mantova Ambiente, is shocked. The branch and the poplar from which it fell are in good health, but it was not enough. "We will replace all poplars with plants more adapted to the urban space," he says.

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